Bloodlets (Blud-lets)

Bloodlets are magic creatures which are spawned by striking a magic being, or a magic-imbued being. There is only one type of bloodlet, and its stats are based on the organism which bled it out. These are the most temporary of all beasts, and seldom have enough time to build a relationship with anyone before they dry out or get sucked up. The health of bloodlets is always the total damage done to its source,   Player characters with an arcana of 10 or higher may view this page.   Bloodlets have two attacks:   Kamikaze Blood transfusion Range: 2 squares Accuracy: Medicine Dodge: Medicine 2d6 + Slippery The blood seaps into an open wound of an enemy, killing itself, and dealing its remaining damage to the opponent. This attack faisl if the opponent has not been damaaged.    Blood Burn Range: melee Accuracy: arcana Dodge: Dexterity d12 + Agile Damage: 3n   For the below table, s represents the source of the bloodlet, and their stats will be used. N represents the level of the source. 
Acrobatics s-2
Animal Handling n-2
Arcana s+4
Athletics s-4
Charisma 5
Constitution N
Deception s-6
Dexterity s-2
Health -
History n-5
insight s+4
Intelligence s+5
Intimidation s-6
Investigation s-6
Mana n+40
Medicine 2n
Nature n
Perception s-2
Performance s-6
Persuasion s-6
Religion n
Sleight of hand s-6
Stealth s-2
Strength s-2
Survival n+4
Will n+10
Wisdom s+4
Agile n-5
Slippery n-1


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