Crabberations (Dah-nuld-trump)

Sometimes, people look for new animals and beasts with the hope to be the one to catalog them in official journals such as these. Perhaps, if you’re vain enough, you even seek to name things after yourself, to take credit for such beasts. This is not one of those cases. Many demons take pride in their work, and create a beast for themselves which represents what they’re all about, and sometimes they take a part of them which they don’t like out and make it into something that at least serves them. Crabberations are one such creature, which are made from the malice and evil of Delphi, the subduer of humankind. She, in one incarnation, picked man apart and sewed him back together, ceaselessly trying to master the craft. She used magic and arcana to rot their brain out and make them subservient to her. She altered their reproductive organs to make sure they only made hideous copies of themselves. She made them for only two reasons: To protect her and intimidate those who would dare harm her Because she liked seeing the hope leave a grown man’s eyes, as he slowly realizes he is being dropped into a fate far worse than death.   Crabberations are a peculiar name, because in truth, they are victims and not something which should be looked down on or made fun of. They were already slaves to Delphi, living terrible existences which only got worse. However, as their arms got disfigured into claws, their faces contorted, and their minds blended with devil’s magic, it’s also not quite appropriate to call them human anymore. Discovering these tortured souls, my scribe knelt to the ground and wept, while I cowered away from the sight. They overtook my scribe and gutted her before my very eyes, as I stood paralyzed in fear. This did not last long, as I ran out, only partially able to feel remorse - she was gone, but I may have not been far behind.   I may have preferred to die then. Rather that than to have sleep been so eternally arrested from me - never being able to sleep without seeing her eyes affixed on me, and then plucked from her skull.   Do not be collected by the misery.       Whenever a crabberation is hit by an opponent (even if it results in no damage,) that opponent rolls a d20 and subtracts their wisdom from the result. They take that much damage in will damage.       Attacks- Grip: A brutal, reaching hold which will stop a person dead in their tracks as they attempt to escape the horrors of the crabberation. A crabberation may elect to do this as an action on their turn, however, they get a free chance to grip any hostile who would move adjacent to them. If an opponent is gripped during their own turn, their movement is stopped and their turn ends. In either case, to get out of the grip, the defender must roll constitution to get out of the hold against the craberration's strength. The defender may get one free opportunity to do this as they begin their turn, but if they fail, they trigger the attack of "feast," described below. If they fail the free opportunity to escape, they may spend their turn trying again. A failure will result in yet another feast.   Accuracy: Strength   Dodge: Constitution 2d8 +Agile   Damage: 40   Feast: The crabberation mounts a gripped target until it is pushed off. An ally or the mounted target can do this, but does so by following the rules of escape detailed in the grip attack. An ally of the mounted target can elect to do the rolls required of the defender for them on the ally's turn. (Note: If you go adjacent to the crabberation to knock the target free, you will trigger the grip action from the crabberation.) An attack from range dealing more than 50% of the crabberation's remaining health will also dismount it.   Accuracy: Survival   Dodge: Survival 2d6 + Agile   Damage: 100 OR sacrifice an equipped armor OR sacrifice an equipped weapon   Haunt: From visible range, scare a target to the depths of their being. This counts as a mental magic spell. A target hit by this spell will be unable to do anything but take consumables and look away from the crabberation until the target rolls above a 20 in wisdom, or until the crabberation who haunted them dies. You may roll wisdom to end the fear effect only once a round, at the beginning of your first initiative that round. Critically failing on your wisdom roll will have the target run directly away, as much as possible without exerting or pacing themselves.   Accuracy: Intimidation   Dodge: Intelligence 4d4 + Slippery   Damage: 5d20
Acrobatics 6
Animal Handling 11
Arcana 6
Athletics 6
Charisma 1
Constitution 16
Deception 1
Dexterity 11
Health 240
History 11
Insight 3
Intelligence 1
Intimidation 17
Investigation 1
Mana 30
Medicine 1
Nature 1
Perception 8
Performance 1
Persuasion 1
Religion 10
Sleight of Hand 1
Stealth 1
Strength 22
Survival 19
Will 80
Wisdom 6
Agile 7
Slippery 9
For Shamans: Aspect of Crabberation You may attack enemies as they move adjacent past you, and on hits, their turn ends. +4 Strength


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