Fire Fairies (Fyre Festival)

So when you hear the word fire fairies, you’re likely to believe they’re some dainty little thing. They might have been! The reality is that fire sprites, or fire fairies as many have called them, often come into this world for the briefest of moments when the spark ignites a piece of tinder or brush. The moment they catch flame, the fairies blink back into whatever mystical world they came from, no harm in that. The problem is, sometimes a flame takes too long to take hold, they accidentally trap themselves in this world. As they persist, they grow lousy with insanity, and their barings get totally lost. They consume more and more air and become beasts of elementia, a wayward blink of flame becoming an eater of souls and carbon alike.     Pyrelings Pyrelings are quick and tempestuous, recently coming into this world and hoping to make a quick exit. They move twice as fast as normal enemies and assign themselves twice in combat. They have but one attack; to make the fire in themselves be burnt out by spreading themselves too thin. They accomplish this by trying to dive through burnable entities, such as humanoids.   Flamelits Flamelits tend to keep their wits about them, but have resigned to being beasts of fire. However, in their dying breaths, they try their best to put themselves out, lest someone else does it for them. Since these touch the ground, a water spell will deal 1.5x damage to them   Hearths Hearths are fairies who can fill any space with flame, and form themselves to be great beings of fire or small candlelights. Being warmed by a hearth might seem pleasant, but they have an aura which makes it incredibly difficult to be around them. Being in the same room as them will cause you to take damage every turn equal to their current health divided by 8. Striking a hearth not only has the chance to burn up your weapon, but it also spills the flame you took from it onto whomever or whatever is behind it, setting that ablaze too. Touching that particularly persistent fire will set you ablaze, and make you stop drop and roll for a turn. If a hearth steps over its flame again, it regains 20 health. Water spells turn to steam when used around a hearth, obstructing vision and causing all to roll at disadvantage for a turn cycle.        
Pyrelings Flamelits Hearths
Acrobatics 8 14 21
Animal handling 5 9 17
Arcana 9 14 21
Athletics 8 14 21
Charisma 5 9 18
Constitution 5 9 18
Deception 5 9 18
Dexterity 8 14 21
Health 90 150 520
History 5 9 18
Insight 8 14 21
Intelligence 5 9 18
Intimidation 5 9 18
Investigation 5 9 18
Mana 50 90 180
Medicine 5 9 18
Nature 5 9 18
Perception 5 9 18
Performance 12 19 28
Persuasion 5 9 18
Religion 11 18 27
Sleight of Hand 3 6 9
Stealth 1 2 3
Strength 9 19 29
Survival 1 16 32
Will 50 90 180
Wisdom 10 20 35
Agile 2 4 8
Slippery 6 8 16
Share this file with player characters who have an arcana of 12 or higher.   For shamans: Asepct of Fire Fairy   2 Wisdom, 2 agile   If you choose not to block or dodge, getting hit will have your opponent roll a die. On even results, they break their weapon on you.
Attacks:   Pyrelings only have the following attack - dive through: The pyreling tries to make the fire in themselves be burnt out by spreading themselves too thin. They accomplish this by trying to dive through burnable entities, such as humanoids.   Accuracy: Wisdom   Dodge: Survival 2d6 + Agile   Damage: 35 to themselves and the enemy hit. This can only be mititgated by enchanted armor.      Flamelits have access to the first three tiers of the fire tree at rank 3 or less.   Hearths have access to the full fire tree at max rank. Perks or triggers nust spend an action in combat to start channeling.


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