Ice Dragon (Eyes Drah-gon)

Ice dragons are kings of mountains, and hoarders of its treasure. They are intelligent, often speaking a couple of languages of its area. They often blend in with the snowy area of their precipice, although would never be so dishonest as to sneak attack someone. They welcome challengers, and try their best to only engage in fair fights. Dr. Lathrop, a scientist researching Ice Rovvers, was once injured by an ice rovver and sought shelter in a cave near the top of a mountain. He realized later that he was actually napping on an ice dragon. Sensing that Dr. Lathrop was in need of help, the Ice Dragon nursed the Doctor back to health, and told him to come back to him when he was in better spirits, so he could correctly challenge Dr. Lathrop to a duel, where the Doctor wouldn’t be on his last leg. Lathrop, being a man of honor himself, did return after some time to give the ice dragon a proper challenge. The Ice Dragon killed the fuck out of him, but at least he didn’t feel so bad about it.
Acrobatics 11
Animal Handling 10
Arcana 33
Athletics 11
Charisma 12
Constitution 28
Deception 4
Dexterity 16
Health 480
History 12
Insight 22
Intelligence 35
Intimidation 20
Investigation 6
Mana 90
Medicine 9
Nature 10
Perception 16
Performance 13
Persuasion 3
Religion 2
Sleight of Hand 1
Stealth 12
Strength 32
Survival 22
Will 150
Wisdom 30
Agile 8
Slippery 12
Attacks   Bite: A crushing bite which has a chance to execute people below a third of their health. It also can be aimed at a body part specifically to break an armor there or break a limb if there exists no armor covering that body part.   Accuracy: Intimidation   Dodge: Survival d10 + Agile   Damage: 85. If a target is below a third of their health after taking this damage, roll a d4. On a 4, that target is killed.   Wing and Tail Batting: As they move adjacent to an opponent or an opponent moves adjacent to them, this attack triggers out of turn and any number of times a round. They lash out their wings, arms, tail - anything - to create distance and harm who would come near them.   Accuracy: Strength   Dodge: Dexterity 2d10 + Agile   Damage: 45, and opponents hit are knocked over and must spend half an action getting back up. For Shamans: Aspect of Dragon +40 Health, +4 Insight If a spell or weapon you use applies damage based off of a multiplication of a stat, double that multiplier.   They also know Master Spell: Refrigeration III They also know The Chills III


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