Iron Dragons (I-Run Dray-Guns)

Iron Dragons, believe it or not, are not from the Other World. They have long been amongst those who dwell in the Great Foot. Instead of hoarding great amounts of gold and sitting beneath a mountain, putting a target on their back, they opted to use their immense strength and power to stay amongst the ranks of humanoids who cohabit their world. This might lead a reader to believe they are in some capacity kind, or at least compassionate, but that is not the case. They infrequently have reason to attack, but awakening or otherwise jostling them from their hiding will prove more than reason enough to attack. They are in many ways normal dragons, however they are crusted wholly with steel, steel alloys, cast iron, and bronze. This seems like it would almost preclude them from flying, but that is not so. They, like cats, do not abide by the realms of physics. They are not affected by bleed, take half damage from non-magic attacks,  and are often found hiding as other things made of steel. The first known Iron Dragon was called Porto, for cunningly he assumed the image of a castle portcullis. However, the first time the portcullis was opened, he was awoken, and mad that he stayed hidden for so short a time. They are only one type; Iron dragons. Their stats are fucked, as you’ll see, but they have three attacks that are endemic to the species, although since they are all named and legendary, you can expect each one you come across to have at least one ability not here mentioned.                                                                                                                        
Acrobatics 20
Animal Handling 18
Arcana 28
Athletics 20
Charisma 10
Constitution 35
Deception 44
Dexterity 20
Health 440
History 28
Insight 22
Intelligence 28
Intimidation 32
Investigation 6
Mana 100
Medicine 5
Nature 12
Perception 12
Performance 8
Persuasion 5
Religion 7
Sleight of Hand 7
Stealth 44
Strength 30
Survival 22
Will 120
Wisdom 22
Agile 14
Slippery 10
Attacks-   Bite: A crushing bite which has a chance to execute people below a third of their health. It also can be aimed at a body part specifically to break an armor there or break a limb if there exists no armor covering that body part.   Accuracy: Intimidation   Dodge: Survival d10 + Agile   Damage: 85. If a target is below a third of their health after taking this damage, roll a d4. On a 4, that target is killed.      Fire Breathing: The dragon breathes a stream of fire from its mouth, or expels it from its faux exhaust pipe. This is not a fire stream, but instead a cloud of fire which goes twice its body size in distance (typically 6 squares.) This will ignite opponents hit, and have them take 200 damage every turn they don't stop, drop, and roll.   Accuracy: Arcana   Dodge: Insight 2d6 (Reminder: There is no critting on dice lower than a d10, unless you crit on multiples of dice simultaneously.) + Slippery   Damage: 110 to each target hit     Wing and Tail Batting: As they move adjacent to an opponent or an opponent moves adjacent to them, this attack triggers out of turn and any number of times a round. They lash out their wings, arms, tail - anything - to create distance and harm who would come near them.   Accuracy: Strength   Dodge: Dexterity 2d10 + Agile   Damage: 45, and opponents hit are knocked over and must spend half an action getting back up. For Shamans: Aspect of Dragon +40 Health, +4 Insight If a spell or weapon you use applies damage based off of a multiplication of a stat, double that multiplier.


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