Rats (Ben-Do-Ret-Tee)

Plague rats are pretty damn close to exactly what they sound like. They are big rodents with cavitious teeth and a shitty demeanor. They don’t deal much damage, they don’t take much damage to kill, but normally there is a chance you get a random debuff from being bit by one. It’s not always terrible, and frequently will end at the end of combat.  
Plague Rats Rotting Rats Rodents of Unusual Size
Acrobatics 2 5 7
Animal Handling 2 7 9
Arcana 2 10 12
Athletics 2 7 11
Charisma 2 7 11
Constitution 3 9 11
Deception 2 7 9
Dexterity 5 9 11
Health 50 90 160
History 2 7 9
Insight 2 7 9
Intelligence 2 7 9
Intimidation 2 7 9
Investigation 2 7 9
Mana 1 1 110
Medicine 2 7 9
Nature 2 7 9
Perception 2 7 9
Performance 2 7 9
Persuasion 2 7 9
Religion 2 7 9
Sleight of Hand 2 7 9
Stealth 5 11 15
Strength 2 7 9
Survival 5 7 9
Will 50 90 90
Wisdom 2 7 19
Agile 4 7 9
Slippery 1 2 8
Share this file with any player who has an animal handling above 5.   For Shamans:   Aspect of Rat:   +2 Dexterity, +2 Agile, +2 Stealth When you hit someone in melee range, apply a random combat debuff or poison on a roll of 4 using a d4.
Attacks  -     Bite: A wee little nibble which has the possibility of infecting those who get chewed on. It only hurts a little, but the disease they may carry is liable to be much, much worse. However, it is indeed profiling to assert that all rats carry disease. When you are bit, a d4 will be rolled. On a roll of 4, a poison or combat debuff known to the party will be assigned at random.   Accuracy: Stealth   Dodge: Dexterity d10 + agile   Damage: 16/35/60-target constitution    Rodents of Unusual Size also know Spells and Incantations, for those with the talent to cast them at rank V. Occasionally, the DM may allow them to know other fire spells.


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