
Saarlaaks are thought to be extinct, but that’s only because the only places you’ll find them are the places you’re unlikely to wander - and they absolutely do not move. They can make a single calorie last for a month with how efficient they are at fasting, especially if they aren’t damaged in obtaining said calorie. How, then, do they make sure this happens so infrequently? Well, they bury themselves in the sand, and wait till they hear tremors above. When they do, they breach up to the surface quickly, hopefully consume the prey in a single hit, and eat it. Sometimes, though, they have to make a bit fo quicksand around them when they miss the mark slightly - and they have to put up a bit of a fight. They’re not excellent at dodging, as they cannot move basically at all, but they are also just so meaty, they can be hard to kill. Additionally, going close to them is a death sentence, as they deal damage just if they are next to you. The quicksand and their lashing tentacles assist in getting you right there beside them, so a peaceful walk in the dessert can turn into a fatal encounter in a matter of moments.   When you attack a saarlak, you deal quarter damage to it unless youattack it directly in its mouth. Debuffs and DOT are halved unless they are applied directly to the mouth.  
Young Ancient
Acrobatics 2 4
Animal Handling 4 8
Arcana 6 12
Athletics 2 4
Charisma 1 2
Constitution 11 22
Deception 13 26
Dexterity 2 4
Health 650 1300
History 13 26
insight 3 6
Intelligence 5 10
Intimidation 15 30
Investigation 2 4
Mana 0 0
Medicine 2 4
Nature 4 8
Perception 14 28
Performance 2 4
Persuasion 3 6
Religion 3 6
Sleight of Hand 5 10
Stealth 13 26
Strength 17 34
Survival 12 24
Will 130 260
Wisdom 7 14
Agile 8 16
Slippery 9 18
Share this file with player characters who have a history of 16 or higher.   For Shamans:   Aspect of Saarlak   3 survival, 1 strength   If you never move in combat, people take 3x your highest non-resource stat when they move adjacent to you. Others moving you will not break this effect.
Attacks:    Lash: The Saarlak takes a tentacle and pushes the unti hit 1/3 tile(s) closer to its mouth.   Accuracy: strength    Dodge: dexterity d12/d10 + agile   Damage: 35/45   Bite: While within double adjacent of the epicenter, the saarlak will bite a target with its incredible mouth.   Accuracy: survival   Dodge: survival d20   damage: 45   Howl: This does not have an accuracy or dodge, but if you have perception above 5, your wisdom, survival, and constitution are reduced by 6. This can only effect one person per howl and will go for the closest person, and if two are tied, the one with the highest perception is hit.   Sink: If targets are directly above a saarlak, and do not know it, they are surprise attacked by this. If it hits, it also applies pointy end rank 3 debuff 2x. Otherwise, the saarlak will have to disappear completely and re-emerge 3 turns later to sink another target, at a different location.   Accuracy: deception   dodge: acrobatics 3d8 + agile   damage: 100 In sand pits, movement is 1, and every turn you don't move away from the epicenter, you are moved one square further into the epicenter.   Whenever an opponent starts their turn adjacent to a saarlak, they take damage equal to 4x the saarlak's survival.


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