
The Scarebeast is a rare incarnation of fear, which seeks out the weak and turns them dead. They are hulking, towering, straw beasts which tend to be best against targets who are isolated. While seemingly made of straw, this is  not accurate 100% of the time. They are in fact made of insecurity, and thus tend to dominate Midwestern, rural areas, or clubs filled with bald 30 year old men. Although in the later situation, they're in the clubs to restate Andrew Tate talking points and watching people buy into them. They are almost fully regenerated if they ever hear the phrase, "everyone sucks but me," or, "that's why I'm an alpha male."      
Scarebeast Midnight Muggers
Acrobatics 9 23
Animal Handling 7 15
Arcana 10 29
Athletics 9 23
Charisma 3 5
Constitution 7 18
Deception 17 38
Dexterity 14 30
Health 130 320
Insight 8 18
Intelligence 7 20
Intimidation 22 41
Investigation 3 8
Mana 40 100
Medicine 4 7
Nature 14 29
Perception 10 16
Performance 6 13
Persuasion 2 6
Religion 10 14
Sleight of Hand 8 15
Stealth 6 14
Strength 12 26
Survival 9 22
Will 60 110
History 11 19
Wisdom 15 19
Agile 6 9
Slippery 10 14
Share this file with player characters who have a combination of history and arcana totaling 26 or more.    For Shamans: Aspect of Scarebeast   +7 intimidation.   You deal double damage to targets who can't see an ally of theirs.
Attacks;   Terror Swipe: Swipe up to two total targets, each of which can't be more than 2 squares away from you or each other. The bones come out of the straw of the scarebeast, dealing incredible damage, doubled when there the target or targets each can't see any allies. If the allies can see each other, then this effect of doubling does not occur.   Accuracy: dexterity   Dodge: athletics d12 + agile   Damage: 85/175     Drink Insecurity: The scarebeast settles onto a target who is not adjacent to any other of its allies. It opens its mouth, revealing the decaying rot inside, filled with worms, grubs, and opinions. The worse their wisdom, the more damage this does. The damage is doubled if the target can't see any of its allies.    Accuracy: Intimidation   Dodge: insight 2d10+ slippery   damage: (20-target wisdom)x5/(30-target wisdom)x 7   Haunt: From visible range, scare a target to the depths of their being. This counts as a mental magic spell. A target hit by this spell will be unable to do anything but take consumables and look away from the scarebeast until the target rolls above a 20 in wisdom, or until the scarebeast who haunted them dies. You may roll wisdom to end the fear effect only once a round, at the beginning of your first initiative that round. Critically failing on your wisdom roll will have the target run directly away, as much as possible without exerting or pacing themselves. Accuracy: Intimidation   Dodge: Intelligence 4d4 + Slippery   Damage: 5d20


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