Sirens (Wee-Woo-Wee-Woo-Wee-Woo)

"Siren" is a broad term for two completely styles of water women who lure men to their deaths with their good looks. However, as beauty is subjective, they have diverged and become two completely different looking beings, with their own appeals. Even their songs differ to fit the current zeitgeist of the world. Because of this, sirens have to forcibly adapt to look like whatever people are attracted to. In the Other World, it was very difficult to be a siren, as the only prey they could get their hands on were men, and the few people who dared to be lesbians or bi. In the Great Foot, they are having a hey day as everyone seems to be into everyone, and their sexual interests take over them in the blink of an eye. They hardly have to sing. However, they still abide by the two formats of sirens as they did in the Other World, they just change their appearance here and there.  
Sirens Mamas Des leaux
Acrobatics 4 16
Animal Handling 7 7
Arcana 16 4
Athletics 4 16
Charisma 27 27
Constitution 5 25
Deception 27 27
Dexterity 5 25
Health 250 250
History 9 9
Insight 25 5
Intelligence 9 9
Intimidation 3 3
Investigation 5 5
Mana 100 100
Medicine 6 6
Nature 6 6
Perception 16 16
Performance 22 22
Persuasion 22 22
Religion 18 9
Sleight of Hand 2 2
Stealth 1 1
Strength 5 25
Survival 3 9
Will 90 180
Wisdom 25 5
Agile 4 12
Slippery 12 4
Share this file with player characters who have a history of 7 or higher.   For Shamans: Aspect of Siren   +3 Charisma, +3 Persuasion, +3 Deception   People who you have passed a non-combat roll against take 30 extra damage during combat from you, from all sources.   Sirens may often be represented as a race, and the race bonus would go as follows:   Body: +6 charisma, +1 Deception You appear as the most attractive version of what the person you are speaking to desires.   Mind: You speak and read all languages, and can speak telepathically. You have advantage on performance rolls. Luck rolls are 1 result easier.
Sirens have access to the normal focus trees, and only have two unique attacks otherwise.    Siren Call: the most beautiful sound an opponent can imagine resounds through the air, attacking the ears. Deaf creatures are immune to this.   Accuracy: Charisma   Dodge: Wisdom 1d8 + slippery   Damage: 90/Targets who hear it lose their movement      Golden Comb Claw: The siren uses their grooming tools to slash out at someone in melee range.   Accuracy: Deception   Dodge: Dexterity 3d4 + Agile   Damage: 35/65 +2 Ranks of tier II bleed


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