Smog Dragon (Drag-En Dees-Nuhts A-Craws Yer-Fase)

Smog Dragons are amongst the most territorial of their comrades, in that they tend to mark their territory viciously with their venom and the entrails of their victims, known colloquially by those who see them as “garlands.” Many villages or peoples will have some variety of tribute system to keep them at bay, since they will not pursue treasure or glory, just a space to their own and food to feed their kind. This means that the least prosperous peoples in the Great Foot have the most trouble with them, since they do not have the means to pay tribute with anything other than their lives. It should be firmly noted, however, that these are not evil beasts - they are only evil in the way deer would refer to lions or humankind as evil. Most travelers who have seen them in a non-hostile encounter have only remarked in great disdain on their smell, but their attitude or demeanor never comes up in recanting tales of them. This does not mean they are not dangerous, however. Their breath is liquid decay, and they can fly a distance in an hour it would take a horse a multiple days to run. Not that they’re ever in a hurry to go anywhere, nor have anywhere to be - it’s a strange feat of evolution that they became this way, and most people assume it to be “selected leftovers.”    
Acrobatics 12
Animal Handling 8
Arcana 44
Athletics 12
Charisma 4
Constitution 28
Deception 4
Dexterity 33
Health 41
History 10
Insight 21
Intelligence 20
Intimidation 22
Investigation 11
Mana 40
Medicine 7
Nature 22
Perception 14
Performance 8
Persuasion 6
Religion 8
Sleight of Hand 1
Stealth 11
Strength 30
Survival 21
Will 200
Wisdom 44
Agile 10
Slippery 10
Attacks     Fly-By: The dragon gives the opponents almost no chance to fight back, by attacking only in the brief moment they are nearby an opponent. This is a raking, area attack which strikes in two lines a space apart and 4 squares in length.   Accuracy: Intimidation   Dodge: Dexterity d12 + Agile   Damage: 80   If an opponent ends their turn in a square that the dragon used last turn, they are poisoned with Poison: Smog Which deals 45 damage a turn until cured.   Bite: A nummy chompy wompy which fills the tummy up of the dragon. This destroys a piece of armor at random.    Accuracy: Strength   Dodge: Acrobatics d10+ Agile   Damage: 90   Spitballin: The smog dragon shoots three globs of phlegm and bile, with the intent to ruin someone's day. These can then burn and explode if it comes into contact with open fire, which will deal an additional 80 damage and set targets ablze by the rules of Spells and Incantations, For Those With the Talent to Cast them V. This attack will poison all opponents who are hit with Poison: Smog   Accuracy: Wisdom   Dodge: Survival 4d4 + Slippery    Damage: 60


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