Squonks (Martin Reed)

Squonks are shy swamp creatures who are as much a pain to themselves as they are to all who see their unfortunate visage. They are a mopey almost-rodent who is prone to crying, weeping, moaning, and crying. Their blistery skin is nothing more than several layers of eczema, warts, athlete’s foot, and pus. It hangs over them like a sweater a mother gives to her child to “grow into,” but he never does. Their snouts are like barometers which always read “going to rain soon” with a footnote of “and I’m forlorn about it.” Standing no more than 3 feet tall on their hind legs, they seem avoidable at best and puntable at worst. However, this completely ignores their psychological effect on the people that stumble upon these creatures of opportunity.  
Squonklings Squibblers Flimsies Damaging Squonks
Acrobatics 6 11 16 24
Animal Handling 2 4 6 14
Arcana 6 11 16 24
Athletics 4 6 10 18
Charisma 1 1 1 1
Constitution 3 11 16 24
Deception 8 13 21 28
Dexterity 2 4 6 8
Health 80 150 210 330
History 3 6 8 14
Insight 2 6 8 14
Intelligence 4 6 12 20
Intimidation 1 1 1 1
Investigation 1 1 1 1
Mana 40 60 80 100
Medicine 3 5 8 10
Nature 8 13 21 27
Perception 2 4 6 8
Performance 1 2 3 5
Persuasion 1 1 1 1
Religion 1 1 1 1
Sleight of Hand 1 1 1 1
Stealth 6 11 21 29
Strength 2 4 4 6
Survival 10 20 26 31
Will 40 70 90 110
Wisdom 4 16 26 29
Agile 2 4 5 6
Slippery 4 7 9 11
Share this file with player characters who have a nature of 14 or higher.   For shamans:  Aspect of Squonk   +3 Survival, +3 Wisdom   Your opponents can't communicate or coordinate in combat.
Attacks -    Slobber: The squonk yucks you up, and it sucks.    Accuracy: Nature   Dodge: Dexterity d20/d12/d10/d10 + agile   Range: Melee   Damage: 22/44/66/88   Applies Chronic Illness: Slobber    Targets have all non-racial buffs and instead get this debuff, which only wears off once you get back to civilization. -3 intelligence, -2 agile.     Moan: The squonk complains loudly, so much so that it is impossible to hear allies over the moan. Squibblers and above can use this action.   Range: Perceptible range, as decided by whomever can hear it (fails the dodge.)   Accuracy: Arcana   Dodge: wisdom --/d10/2d6/2d6   Damage: --/45/90/135   Hit targets cannot communicate or be heard by allies.    The below spells are usable by the squonks in question.
Leaky Pipes Play by the Rules Deja Vu Sealing Hands Closing Throats Epiphany
Squonklings I I x x x x
Squibblers I, II I, II x x x I
Flimsies Max I, II, III I, x x II
Damaging Squonks Max Max I, II I, II I, II Max


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