Vampires (Paw-le-ti-shuns)

Vampires end up being much closer to a race than they are a monster, and becoming a vampire is an unfortunate matter. There is no cure for vampirism, and the first several years of being one are very emotionally taxing. In the day time, or when exposed to bright light, their perception is weakened by half, their will is reduced by 60, and their constitution is reduced by 10. They will often flee just at the thought of sunlight. God calling and light based attacks deal triple damage. An Expulsion spell can be cast on them and they will then take double damage from all sources for the next two rounds. In the nighttime or darkness, their damage is doubled and if they have fed recently, their damage is changed to tripled instead.   Do not let this be confused with the race, vampires - while they share the same traits, this should only be consulted for the use of encounter design.  
Freshly Blooded Bloated Hawthorne Revenant Strix Dusk
Acrobatics 8 12 15 10 22
Animal Handling 1 2 6 10 8
Arcana 6 8 10 10 16
Athletics 8 10 14 10 22
Charisma 4 6 6 2 20
Constitution 3 6 6 2 20
Deception 10 12 14 20 16
Dexterity 10 12 14 10 22
Health 60 100 220 100 340
History 1 2 6 10 16
Insight 3 5 10 10 15
Intelligence 2 5 8 14 16
Intimidation 8 10 14 20 16
Investigation 1 2 14 10 16
Mana 20 40 120 100 160
Medicine 1 2 2 1 6
Nature 1 2 10 1 6
Perception 11 13 20 20 29
Performance 4 6 12 0 18
Persuasion 1 2 8 0 16
Religion 1 2 2 1 1
Sleight of Hand 1 2 2 1 1
Stealth 6 8 18 16 24
Strength 6 8 12 1 22
Survival 2 4 12 15 20
Will 4 6 12 6 12
Wisdom 1 6 12 16 16
Agile 2 4 6 8 13
Slippery 2 4 6 8 13
Share this file with any player character with a 12 or higher in history.   For shamans:   Aspect of Vampire:   +3 Stealth, +3 Dexterity   You deal double damage at night.   Vampires deal double damage at night, or triple if they have fed. They move double distance at night, triple if they have fed recently. Dusk vampires assign themselves at least three times in initiative, may have additional powers as discerned by the dm, and may use pinpointing, as a blood mist function. Only bloated vampires and above may
Freshly Blooded Aggro by nature. Don’t know their own strength, and often will be tricked into going into direct sunlight. They typically carry vanilla, common weapons or use minor combat magic. A knocked down target will send the vampire running at them to attempt to feed. Freshly blooded cannot turn players into vampires, but their bite will siphon 15 health from a target. This bite attack is an acrobatics check, and the dodge is survival at a d6   Bloated Vampire Much more targeting and careful. These are plump as they’ve been able to feast for over a decade, but that doesn’t mean that they are slow. Their siphon attack increases to 25, and they gain the ability to be impervious to demon calling magic. These can turn players into vampires if they are not careful.   Hawthorn Vampire The legends say that when a corpse is buried, there is a chance they will come back as a vampire. Because of this, some number of times, people would place a scythe in the grave with them, to symbolize that they had been harvested of their essence, and shouldn’t be able to come back. Well, Hawthorn vampires are raised by demons to spite local lore, and they come back with a scythe that can absorb life essence as well. They are hunters by nature, and tend to seek out specific people. If you find yourself being hunted by a vampire, know that running is not an option. Their scythe will be the same, always. It’s a 4d6 + 10, and if a hit is more than 20 damage, there is a chance to make an opponent lose a limb. (40%) They are typically good with swords as well, and try to make a point to kill people with their own weapons.   Revenant Strix These Vampires are so old, that they have begun melding with the afterlife. They can walk through walls, become completely invisible, and even possess people. Once inside a person, they slowly start sapping their spirit until they are a bloodless husk, and they move on. These creatures can only be damaged with magic, but are even more weak to expulsion spells (doubly so). Their method of attack varies.   Dusk Vampires These are near supernatural beings, who have powers beyond this earth. They are often molded by a demon who is feeling particularly creative, from the corpse of a dying villain of great aptitude. They take 3 actions a turn, and their bite now paralyzes a target and does 60 siphoned damage.


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