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Adventurer's Guild

The Adventurer's Guild is an organization that allows people of varying backgrounds to find work. While originally starting off as protection and exploration, over time the Adventurers Guild would be known for employing capable individuals, and thus would slowly be filled with job offers from high nobles to lowest commoner.

While it's main branch is within Maganoasia, every country has it's own regional Adventurer's Guild, each of these charged with regulating the Adventurers that they employ. However, all of these branches usually share the following:
  • All Adventuere's Guild share the same Circled Star as their symbol, however some are known to distinguish themselves with different colors.
  • All registered Adventureres must be handled internally, should one go rouge it is the Adventurer's duty to deal with them.
  • Each guild must pay a tax from their earnings each month.
Aside from this, each country branch handles their Adventurers Guild as they see fit.  



With the fall of The Catran Empire, and the chaos that followed many maps were simply lost or just wrong with the aftermath of battles that irreparably changed the landscape. Wildlife was slowly overtaking land once more, crime and banditry were on the upswing and with a need for exploration the Adventuring Guild found its origin in Cherryroth.
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Over the years the guild would grow into the nearby cities of Maganoasia, allowing mercenaries and commoners to find a place to work and find workers respectively. Eventually this caught on in other countries, with independent guilds attempting to rise up and start their own ventures. For one reason or another they failed, and were either bought up by the Maganoasian Adventures Guild or simply driven into the ground and slowly replaced.     With such a rising prevelance in adventuring guilds, the countries they were stationed in slowly grew worried with the amount of powerful individuals they would call to them. And began to place restrictions on the Guild, many of these being self regulation, a greater income tax as well becoming a neutral party.
Founding Date
1205 Age of Sorrows
Guild, Adventuring

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