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Alunis, the Dead Desert

Alunis was once a land of lush forests and life, however towards the end of the Age of Prayers, in a misguided attempt at harnessing Pure Energy, a cataclysmic failure turned the once fertile lands into the desert that it is today. With various stretches of land that are now simply uninhabitable, marked with the debris of the great cities that once showed in the sky.   The large area of land in the center of Alunis is often called the red Sea, known for its hostile and dangerous creatures that inhabit the land, like the great sand serpent. Many strange creatures roam these lands, more often than not being the undead that were the immortal citizens of the now fallen empire of Malith.


Alunis is well-known for it's scattered mountains and rocky hills as well as it's vast sand dunes. Former dried up river banks and lakes can still be seen scattered around, with one of the more famous ones being the Crenbar Lake bed. Vast rock beds lie under all the sand, with many of them having the ruins of the old Malith Empire underneath it's surface, resulting in more than one avid adventurer to attempt to rediscover any ancient artifacts that may just be below the sands surface.

Fauna & Flora

The lands of Alunis, while seemingly barren and desolate, are home to various creatures that have made their homes underneath the sands. The mineral rich soil that once allowed the Malith Empire to prosper have become the mineral rich rocks that various creatures consume to survive.


  • Alunis
Alternative Name(s)
The Land of the Moon


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