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Magic has always been a central part of various cultures of Fold, having been marked and etched into their history so fully life without it is unimaginable. However, the origin of Magic is truly unkown to this day, but there are various theories of how it came to be. The most prominent one being that during the Age of Prayers, while not rare, the gods themselves were the ones who granted the ability to cast magic. Giving blessings and powers to those they believed best deserved it.   The first mention of inate magic is 6000 years before the War in the Heavens, a young woman, Palamora was able to cast magic without being granted it by the gods. She learned to use this power, and passed it on to any of her followers that believed she was a new god.   While Palamora was an exceptional caster, it would take years before people would truly understand the power they could wield. The Malith Empire was destroyed during the testing of expirmental magic, while this resulted in the discovery of Necromancy, many believe that it's a cursed art, as it resulted in the destruction of the largest empire the world has seen up to that moment, forever carrying a certain stigma with it.

The First Magical Revolution

  One of the main reasons why the Catran Empire was able to conquere and advance as swiftly as it could was due to what many would describe as the first magical revolution. Many of the schools of magic like Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation were built and expanded upon during the existance of the Catran Empire. While some other cultures expanded upon their own magics, like the Elves with Illusions and Enchanting and the Dwarves with Transfiguration, their advancements simply weren't as great during this period.   Thus what is now known as Pure Magic was created, setting the many foundations of what is considered today the base of all magic. And using this they began to conquere and assimilate all nearby land and cultures, pushing the limits of what many thought magic could do at the time. Sadly however, it was during this time that the War in the Heavens broke out at the peak of their power. While it's said that they pushed against the gods, doing the best to fight against them, their magical prowness simply wasn't great enough.   Thus when the Catran fell, most of their great knowledge was lost, instead having to be pieced together in lost magical tomes, passed down knowledge and historical feats.

The Second Magical Revolution

When the Catran Empire fell, many of the cultures they had conquered were left to the mercy of the wilds and mortal nature. With most of the taught arcane arts now gone, many turned to the world around them, each culture adapting and changing it in ways that allowed what is now known as Elemental Magic to come to fruition.   Thus many cultures are well versed in casting magic of certain elements. Irasia as one example is well known for their wind magic, having adapted to shiting air currents that plauged their land after the fall.


A large amount of magic is divided into both Pure and Elemental magic, and while aspects of both do cross over with one another, they are very distinct. When talking about magic, certain sub-schools may contain spells that, while more fitting in other schools of magic, pertain more to a school of thought than anything else, and thus are listed within a single school of magic. A spell that is marked by an *, is a homebrew spell.  

Pure Magic

Pure magic is defined as the fundamental schools of magic, while most Elemental Magic can be slotted into one of these, Pure Magic is in general much more broad in their definition.  


A collection of spells of a protective nature. While it's greatest users are those of Bosque, the Catran were able to creat some spells of slightly lower power that have permeated throughout Fold.  


This group of spells created or transported people, energy or objects. It's rumored that the Catran were so great at Conjuration, every solider knew how to conjure their weapon and armor before a fight.  


This school had fewer spells than others, but allowed the caster to see things that they normally would not be able to.  


An area of arcane study that specialized in manipulating the minds of others.  


The art of imbuing magic into an object.  


Although spells of this school seemingly create effects out of nothing, they draw raw power from the world around them and from within themselves.  


Not much is known about illusion magic, except that it's meant to fool the senses. The Elves have always kept a tight grip on their famed art.  


A dichotomous school that Alunin's wielded with positive energy for healing spells, and after their fall turned to negative energy to effect both the dead and undead.  


Formerly also known as alteration, these spells could transform the nature of the physical world or objects in it. Dwarves were so well gifted with it that it's made it's way into their very culture.  


A small number of spells were not associated with any school but universally available, even to specialists.  

Elemental Magic

Elemental Magic referse to all magic that allows a caster to affect the natural elements of the world.  


Fire magic is well known for it's intensity and power that it represents, with it's most noteable casters being those of Ondakhai, having long since learned to fight the cold that once plagued the north.  


Well known for it's defensive and utility properties, water magic is the second most versitle magic, and while Ice magic may cause more harm than good, it can't be denied how powerful it can be in the right hand. The most noteable water mages are those of Gelasia, having long since mastered the waters of their swamps and rivers. Shians on the other hand are well known for their mastery of Ice, unlike the Ondakhians who used fire to survive, they embraced the cold.  


Well known for it's structural and defensive uses, earth magic is most popular within Ledia and Ondakhai, the Dwarves using it to help carve their fortresses into the mountains.  


Known as one of the most versitle of magics, wind magic has become prominent within most countries, but none as much as Irasia.  


Lightning magic is the most prominent within Maganoasia, it's inhabitants having to learn to control it so that it would stop setting their lands afire.

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