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The Mithril Order

The Mithril Order is one of the oldest organizations to still be recognized, having existed before the War in the Heavens. Once having served under the Mithril Dragon himself, they now follow his teachings to uphold justice throughout the land. The Mithril Order holds no alliegence to any nation, intead serving only those in need or hunting down forces of evil.   They call Mirstone their home, a small city situated in Hampell. Using it as their base of operations and sanctuary for any Mithril Knight. The order is lead by Themyar, an elf who has led the order for the past 600 hundred years.


The Mithril Order consists of servants and commoners, soldiers, Squires, Mithril Knights and Oliatos's Chosen. The servants take care of the meanial tasks of the order, and in return are provided food, protection and places to live. The order is also joined by the odd mercenary or adventurer who wish to do good in the world, even if they hold no direct connection to Oliatos. The order is lead by one of Oliatos's Chosen, usually chosen by Oliatos himself should the previous leader die.


A squire of the order is usually taken in as a child, offered the chance to be a Mithril Knight. Should they accept they will be taken in to begin the long arduous training. At times training into their early 20's or failing to meet the standards of the Mithril Order. If that should be the case, they will be assigned as a simple soldier and man-at-arms.  

Mithril Knight

A Mithril Knight is an exemplary combatant, an expert with their preferred weapon and capable of making decisions that will affect the lives of innocents. A Mithril Knight has some sway and leeway within other countries. Understood to only help those in need and uphold justice, a Mithril Knight is the epitome of what the Mithril Order is meant to represent.

Oliatos's Chosen

The chosen of Oliatos are those who he chosen to grant his boons to. A couple every generation are chosen, letting them climb to hights the average Mithril Knight only wishes of being able to reach. Marked by red cloaks gifted by Oliatos himself. Oliatos rarely communicates with his followers aside from having his chosen pledge themselves to him. But he will occasionally task the leader of the order with any mission that risks the order of the world.


Many Mithril Knights of the order are Paladins and Clerics devoted to Oliatos. Some decide they need not follow a god, but fight for what is good with simply their body and minds. Other's dig into the arcane to grant themselves power. Regardless of where they draw this strength, Mithril Knights fight for what is good and right in the world. This can be found in the tenants of the order.
To uphold that which is just
To protect those who can't protect themselves
To be a bastion against the darkness that would threaten the world

Justice and Good

Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories

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