Human Species in Folterra | World Anvil
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A typical human, nearly exactly like you'd find on Earth.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The highest population density of humans on Folterra resides in the western hemisphere, largely in Naea and in the Arlyian Isles. However, fossil records and historical accounts dating back to ~200DA seem to portray that humanity on Folterra originated in Ilysia.

Average Intelligence

Compared to Earth, the humans of Folterra are generally more intelligent.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

ERROR, DATA CORRUPT. PLEASE EXPUNGE have a symbiotic relationship with humans.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Symbiotic relationship to ERROR, DATA CORRUPT. PLEASE EXPUNGE.   Neutral, but shaky relationship with the Drakken.   Positive relationship with the Megeri.   Historically negative relationship with the Dae.
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens-Fol
Throughout Folterra, you may find a vareity of ethnicities.
~85-100 years. The oldest recorded age on Folterra was Artia Lambert, aged 128.
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
Male: 6ft   Female: 5ft 4in
Average Weight
Male: 180 lbs   Female:120 lbs
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