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Baranna Abs


She always kept to herself, even tho all the men sought after her. The most beautiful huntress that had ever stricken their land, their eyes, and their.... hearts. Baranna was a caring, selfless, bold, and beautiful woman. At the young age of 16, she had become a skilled huntress, spending most of her time moving silently through the woods, hunting for food for her town, waiting for the perfect moment to strike her prey from the shadows.   Baranna could sit for days on and perfectly still, the only noise that came from her were the flawless calls of deer, elk, or otherwise that she could make with her mouth without any effort. When it came to combat with foreign entities, she used this same method, poised motionless, and completely silent with her bow, waiting for the enemy to come to her. This granted her the nickname "The Huntress" among her fellow comrades. If she was on their side, no enemy would ever get close enough to perform a melee attack on them. Unless they wanted to be pinned to the ground by arrows that is.   The huntress's eye never wavered, as long as her heart was steady, so was her aim. However, one day, while she was out for a hunt, she was scanning the forest when she saw a shaking of the trees in the distance. As it got closer, she could hear branches snapping, and then entire trees. Whatever it was, it was massive. It was snapping thousand year old Oaks like twigs. It was heading straight for her, but she was at the top of the tree.   For the first time in her life she felt a sense of panic. She didn't see or hear this, thing, coming. How could she have missed it? Especially something this size? She tried to climb down but before she could make it even half way down the tree, it was completely pulverized by whatever entity was dashing through the forest. Once it hit her tree she tried to turn in mid air to see what it was that was stampeding through the trees, but all she got was a flash of green as the tree came down on top of her.   Baranna woke up into a rattled frenzy, the sun had begun to go down and her left leg was pinned under a huge branch of the enormous oak that the beast had gone through like butter. She grabbed her hand axe that her mother, also an great huntress gifted her when she was young, and freed her leg. Her knee was dislocated, but without even flinching she popped it back into place and took off towards her home through the path the monster made in the forest.   The closer she got to the hut she and her mother lived, the more she began to panic, not because she saw or heard anything that made her uneasy, but because she didn't. She picked up her speed, sprinting as fast as she could, shrugging off the injury she sustained that should have made it impossible to move so fast. When she got to the edge of the forest she arrived at the clearing of her home. Or where it used to be. Not the building, nor a single soul was left. She fell to her knees in tears. Scanning what was now an empty field for a single survivor.   The worst part was that she had no idea what happened. No rhyme or reason for her mother being gone. She was devastated. Now she wanders the forests, looking for answers, and seeking revenge on the creature that she wishes would have killed her.   She hasn't spoken a word since that day over 5 years ago. And she still feels as though she is not even one step closer to delivering justice and redemption for the mother she lost.

Passionate, Hunter, Aslene

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Ice Blue
Dark Brown
1,68 m

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