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Teramalda Fayal

Teramalda approached King Algamar of Alderland with a supposed divine vision from the god Rust. According to her, the deity had instructed her to conquer the lands beyond the mountains, with Rust's help, and convert the people there to their "true faith." She went on to claim that Rust and his wife Heme had brought humankind to the land in ancient times, but that the Ailanders, along with their allies, the elves and dwarves, had cheated them, resulting in half of the promised land being stolen.   After receiving the king's blessing, she began to persuade the wealthy and powerful citizens of the kingdom to support her crusade. Many priests in the Congregation of the Serpent expressed caution and referred to an old peace agreement between the kin. However, Teramalda responded by imprisoning and killing them, branding them as traitors and heretics. When the king did nothing to reprimand her, the Rust Church gained more followers.   In 800 AS, Teramalda and her army of three thousand men traveled north across the mountains, bringing with them massive effigies of Rust and Heme. Despite numerous obstacles, they persisted, led by their unwavering faith in their mission to conquer Ravenland. Teramalda and her followers endeavored to convert each and everyone to their religion, preaching about Rust and Heme while constructing shrines and temples in their honor. In the name of the gods Rust and Heme, any Raven Sisters that were found were burned at the stake or run through with rusty iron blades and wooden spears, their blood spilled across the effigies of the gods. The people of the villages were forced to take oaths to honor the new gods and had to pay an annual tribute, or see their villages burn.   The Rust Church took up permanent residence on the northwestern edge of the plains and founded the city of Alderstone. Teramalda spent a few years fortifying the plains of Harga and brought additional forces and goods over the mountains before she was ready to expand her territory resulting in the First Alder War (820 - 821 AS).   After a few skirmishes, the dwarves were victorious, and a violent celebration began. Teramalda had been taken prisoner, but her armor could not be opened. The hot-headed dwarven lord Garmar Four-Beard, drunk on power and alcohol, had the priestess thrown on a bed of hot coals during the victory banquet at Lumra, to bake her like a shellfish. He swore to eat her heart himself after it had been tenderized into submission. Perhaps the god Rust chose to heed Teramalda’s prayers for martyrdom, because the armor with her scorched body suddenly tore free from its shackles, rose from the fiery coals, and killed Garmar and his bodyguards.   Since that day, this creature, a rusty suit of armor, roams through Ravenland hunting for enemies to slay.

Former High Priestess and First Crusader of the Rust Church. Founder of Alderstone. Ultimate icon of the Rust Church.

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