Rholin Jielarth Character in Fordara | World Anvil
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Rholin Jielarth

Hunt Overseer Rholin Jielarth

Rholin is good natured at heart, despite being quite oblivious to even the most simple of things. Strong, calm headed, and pure of heart, he makes it his job to protect those who cannot protect themselves and provide important information to those who would not know otherwise.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, well kept, muscly.

Body Features

Thick, black scales covering his body.

Facial Features

Gold paint worked into the groves on his face and neck, with red ribbons tied around the small horns on his head.

Identifying Characteristics

Bahamut symbols decorate his armor.

Physical quirks

Tends to smile a lot, and likes to raise an eyebrow when presented with something that piqued his curiosity.

Apparel & Accessories

Clad in heavy, plate armor that covers his body (also a helmet but only wears it unless he’s out on the field) with Bahamut symbols that decorate the armor. Wears a ring on his right hand bearing the mark of Bahamut.

Specialized Equipment

A shield and sword that strengthens his defense and improves his survivability.

Mental characteristics


Achieved top marks in all education that was given to him by the Jielarth Clan, including combat and situational awareness.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Obtained Master of the Hunt title before being promoted once more to Hunt Overseer. He considers this one of his greatest achievements but never brags about it to others.

Failures & Embarrassments

He was unable to stop the bad things from happening to his older sister (who took care of him when they were kids) and considers this one of his greatest failures to date.

Intellectual Characteristics

Rholin is well read, and often spends his free hours sitting in the library, reading books and learning new things. Because of this, he is very knowledgeable and has a fantastic memory for remembering fights and what their enemy did.


Hurting another person without reason.

Personality Characteristics


To somewhat better the world through his actions.
Year of Birth
2623 22 Years old
Known Languages
Draconic, Undercommon, Common.
Rholin full

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