
In the bygone era of Leshiven, Forgekeepers held a vital role in society, serving as skilled craftsmen who specialized in the art of firetending and blacksmithing. They were entrusted with the responsibility of crafting intricate and powerful weapons, tools, and various other items that were essential for the survival and prosperity of the people. However, with the advent of advancements and changes in Leshiven's culture and technology, the need for traditional forges and their keepers dwindled, leading to the eventual obsolescence of the profession.  

Reasons for Obsolescence

Any obsolete profession reflects how societal changes, technological advancements, and environmental awareness can shape and alter the fate of once-vital professions. In Leshiven, where wildfires now run rampant, the forges may remain cold and dormant. But the legacy of the Forgekeeper lives on through the cultural heritage, where buildings are produced and the forge is finally allowed to rest.   Discovery of Alternative Materials Leshiven, a land brimming with magical resources, witnessed the discovery of unique materials that proved to be far more durable and versatile than metal forged in traditional forges. These magical materials were called Ironwood, Aurorite, and Keramics, and easier to shape and manipulate without the need for intense heat, rendering traditional forging methods unnecessary.  

Elemental Enchantments

As Leshiven's understanding of magic grew, enchanters and arcanists developed ways to infuse ordinary objects with elemental properties. Instead of relying on the heat of a forge, items could be imbued with elemental energies to enhance their strength and effectiveness.  

Ethical and Environmental Concerns

The Leshiven society historically has a deep appreciation for the environment and nature, and had grown increasingly concerned about the impact of intense heat on the delicate balance of their world. Indeed, after The Scar of Akrasia and its destructive wildfires, the traditional forging process produced emissions and waste that clashed with their harmonious way of life, leading to a collective decision to retire the use of fire-based forges.  

Evolution of Trade and Commerce

With its retirement, Leshiven's trading practices necessarily expanded, allowing them to access goods and resources from other regions that were already enchanted or crafted with alternative methods. As a result, the demand for locally forged items diminished.  

Remnants of the Forgekeeper

Though the profession of Forgekeeper is obsolete, remnants of its legacy still exist in Leshiven. Some old blacksmithing workshops have been preserved as museums or historical landmarks, where visitors can learn about the fascinating art and history of forging. Certain families may also have inherited the knowledge and skills of the Forgekeepers, passing them down through generations, even if there is no longer a practical use for it.   Additionally, some individuals may choose to embrace the spirit of the Forgekeeper and keep the memory alive through artistic pursuits. They might create sculptures, paintings, or even magical artifacts that pay homage to the significance of the profession in Leshiven's past.


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