Zone Guide

Zone Guides are highly demanded on Strugatovka. Mostly because there aren't a lot of them, but many refuse contracts when they are too dangerous. And their line of work is extremely dangerous to begin with. They are guides-for-hire, and anyone may ask for their services for the right sum.   They are paid in advance and will guide you to wherever you want, or to fetch whatever you want, and then guide you back. Many Guides ask to respect one simple rule : do as you are told if you want to make it back alive. Each year, hundreds of people are lost to the Zone. A vast majority of them were not Guides.



The goal of hiring a Zoner is to get to dangerous locations on Strugatovka. Be it in The Zone, or in remote places with grim history. It is usually to gather artefacts, or sometimes find specific items or lost locations. Many can bring great power, but a lot more can cause death, or worse.

Social Status

Zoners are more or less outcasts, and often rely on each other in small cells, as rivalries can exist between different groups. Some zoners are just scammers, others are raiders, some are actually agents of bigger, more powerful factions.


It is said that one person in a hundred is a Zone Guide. But again, there are no official sources for this metric.


Guides exist since The Zone was declared a prohibited and unsafe zone. But some like to recall the Strugatov Brothers as the first Guides Strukatovka has ever beared.
Alternative Names
Guide, Zoner, Skulker
Many say you have to be crazy to call for Guide services. Or desperate.


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Aug 26, 2023 05:32 by Bryan Bolstad

I'm here for the Summer Camp Reading Challenge. Here is some feedback: I appreciated the tooltip on "The Zone". When I read this tooltip, I got excited to explore more about the zone and learn why it's forbidden to go there. I also enjoyed the additional information provided on the Strigatov Brothers. This added depth to the story and kept me interested and wanting to learn more. As I was reading, a few sections didn't make sense. One example is in the opening paragraph you said "They are guides-for-hire, and anyone way ask for thier services for the right sum". I assumed that "way" was supposed to say something along the lines of "can". Consider re-reading through your article and fixing any small errors like this. This will help readers to get through your story with more clarity and enjoyment. Hope this feedback helps!

Let's build a community together!
Aug 26, 2023 10:14 by Quentin

Thanks for the feedback, there were a few typos indeed. Being in a rush to finish the summercamp copper badge and also writing in a language that is not your mother tongue will do that haha

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