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The Snome Family

Symbol: A gold goblet holding wine, on a background of scarlett and encircled by a golden ring.


The Snome family made their fortune by brewing beer, distilling spirits, and importing those same commodities to a thirsty Waterdeep. In the mid–14th century, the family patriarch was Lord Arrabas. Before he passed away, circa 1370 DR, he chose his successor to be his youngest grandson, Dandobar, who let the whole family fortune go to waste within a few decades, taking his own life and passing the head of family title onto Agrios in 1459 DR.

Base of Operations

The Snome estate is located in the North Ward on the corner of Phull Lane and Trollkill Street. The family villa is set back from both roads in a walled compound. Behind it is an alley that connected Phull Lane and Trollkill Street. Across Trollkill Street is the Trollwall.


The Snome family villa was built in the Year of the Bold Knight, 1249 DR.   The clan was ennobled in the Year of the Wagon, 1273 DR and were of Illuskan descent. The head of the family skipped a generation because Arrabas, at age 112, had outlived all of his fourteen children and had to select an heir from a bevy of 47 grandchildren. Thyriellentha Snome felt slighted when Arrabas chose her cousin Dandobar over her and she distanced herself from the family because of it. Once Dandobar became the head of the family, he named Thyriellentha as his heir, but this did little to mollify the ambitious woman.   After Dandobar eventually past in 1409 DR, the wealth of the Snome family was in a decline towards the end of Dandobars life, Dandobars son, Segrim, took over the business and run the Snome family empire into the ground. In 1430 DR the Snome fortune had been all but squandered and their businesses in tatters, unable to produce and supply enough wine for even a single shipment. In 1459 DR, out of shame Segrim took his own life the only viable successor was Agrios Snome, Segrim's only son.   Circa 1450 DR, Agrios married Dura, who worked with Agrios to rebuild the family name and business, to no avail. Eventually the pair had 4 children, 2 of which unfortuantly passed away in their sleep due to a bad case of the flu in 1480 DR, the Snome family's luck turned not long after and they started to re-build their empire at a rapid pace. Agrios and Dura focusing on their business after having lost their two youngest children.

Notable Members

Arrabas Snome: Ancient patriarch until at least 1368 DR. Grandfather of Thyriellentha and Dandobar. Strong follower of Lliira, using her guidance to help build the family empire.   Dandobar Snome: Head of the family, circa 1370 DR. Youngest grandson of Arrabas. Started the downfall of the Snome familys fortune.   Thyriellentha Snome: Mage Civilar of the City Watch in the 1360s and 1370s DR. Eldest granddaughter of Arrabas.   Segrim Snome: Successor to and only son of Dandobar, cira 1409. Segrim was handed the failing family name and drove it into the ground, leaving it in tatters.   Agrios Snome: Currently 'head' of the Snome family, 1459 DR, successfuly rebuilt the Snome fortune at rapid pace in 1480 DR alongside his wife, Dura Snome. Son of Segrim.   Dura Snome: Wife to Agrios, the real head of the Snome family, married into the Snome 'fortune' in 1450 DR to Agrios Snome. Aggressive style to business, feared by many after destroying and swallowing up competing businesses.   Maenoles Snome: The current oldest Snome child, the current heir to the Snome fortune, although it is rumoured he is distant to his mother and has been pulling away.   Melanagius Snome: The youngest living Snome child, constantly competing for the right of being the heir to the Snome fortune.  

Family tree:


Rumors & Legends

During the period 1249 to 1369 DR, the family lost seventeen servants, one at a time, always on the night of Shieldmeet during a fete hosted by the Snomes. Scant evidence seemed to dictate that they abandoned their posts and left town, but the true cause was a portal in the locked doorway to the section of the wine cellar that held the lord's private supplies. The portal was a one-way gate to the Crystal Labyrinth in Undermountain that was only active on Shieldmeet at night. During the event known as Halaster's Higharvestide, this portal worked in both directions, but it is unknown if anyone or anything passed through it.
  The lost of the two Snome children in 1480 DR is rumoured to not be all it seems, one whisper around the servant quarters is talk about a devilish figure stalking the halls the night the two children passed away. No bodies were seen by anyone outside of the immediate family. Some individuals around Waterdeep swear off Snomish wine in fear of catching the deadly flu that killed the two Snome children before the Snome family saw their rise back into favour across the lans of Faerun.  
It is rumoured the oldest son is lost after going on an adventure up North towards Neverwinter (1495 DR), it is rumoured that if anyone finds and brings Maenoles Snome back home, they'll receive a reward.

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