
A mercenary through-and-through, Denise was a tough warrior living in Ten-Towns during the Everlasting Rime who frequented the Wet Trout in Easthaven. She was hired by Beri Snow to investigate some missing fisherman on the frozen-over Lac Dinneshere (along with the gnome cleric of Lathander Copper Knobberknocker and Gauhk's brother.) She almost died in the ensuing battle with the sea hag Maud Chiselbone, something she would become begrudgingly familiar with (almost dying but narrowly surviving.)   She encouraged Beri to hand over the Cauldron of Plenty over to Speaker Danneth Waylen. Not out of the goodness in her heart, of course, but because she wanted payment for her troubles.   Denise accompanied Beri on her quest to assault the Caer-Konig Duergar Outpost, but was defeated by a duergar scouting party in the abandoned inn Dinev’s Rest. She was knocked unconscious and taken prisoner, but her fate turned out better than her companion Tooth, who died in the fight.   After being captured by the duergar, she was taken prisoner to the Outpost. Her cell was right next to the renowned author Volothamp Geddarm. Eventually she was freed when one of the duergar opened the prison cells to unleash the fungal zombies. She ripped a warpick from one of her captors' hands and took out a few of them singlehandedly.   She refused to take sides at Beri's roundtable at the Outpost, saying whoever payed her the most should get the chardalyn. Beri was frustrated by this, but expected nothing less. She told Denise that she had no expectations that Denise would follow her, but she would know where to find her if she did. Beri then left Denise to deal with Sabaton and the others.   After the battle at the Outpost, Denise joined as hired help under Volo (which would soon end up pretty much putting her back under Beri's command after all.) Volo had decided that getting Beri's help would be the best course of action, so Denise inferred that the best place to find her would be the big dot she had seen on Beri's map: Macreadus' Cabin. On the way there, they happened upon a lone traveler named Randy, who Volo also hired on. The trio eventually found Beri sleeping on a bed in the burned cabin. The goal was clear: find Copper's friend Macreadus, who hopefully had a breakthrough regarding clearing the Rime.     Character Sheet
Auburn pigtails, usually unkempt and dirty
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, usually flush red from heavy drinking
180 lbs
Character Portrait image: Rose: Dirt Barbarian by Viktor Engholm


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