
Pietri Pekkanen, or better known as Frenzy, is an adrenaline junkie of the highest order. Before he became Frenzy, Pietri was a chaotic, charismatic child, always trying to con people into buying garbage that barely did anything, watered down potions, shoddy weaponry, magic items with mild curses attached, you name it.   One day however, Pietri disappeared. he didn't show up to his usual haunts, Waterdeep was free from his presence. until about 15 years later, un-aged in that time, a brightly clad monk bearing Pietri's in your face style of marketing was back... but this time, instead of peddling garbage, Pietri had a new commodity to give to the citizen's of Waterdeep. Which, of course, was adrenaline through pain, and teaching people how to peddle garbage and attain "fame" like he did.   Turns out Pietri had just tripped into the Feywild, peddled his garbage to any fey he could find, and was driven mad by their trickery and deceits.   You can currently find Pietri in a number of illegal underground fighting arenas, where he usually takes a couple hits before pummeling foes into submission with his chaotic, fey inspired fighting style.   D&D Beyond Character Sheet Link


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