
My child, instill the fear of Talos into the hearts of mortals, lest they be removed from this plane by your hand.   Stormfury is only gifted to those that Talos himself believes capable and worthy enough of wielding it. It is expected that the carrier of this weapon enforces Talos’ will across Faerûn where he cannot due to the Second Sundering. Stormfury is a conduit of unimaginable destructive power that is only held back by its wielder's own limits.   The handle of this mace is inscribed with runes in an ancient language, that gives one a sense of purpose when gazed upon. The heavy steel head occasionally pulses with arcing lightning between its prongs.    


    Proficiency with a mace allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Storm Lord's Wrath On hit, you can choose to add 1d4 lightning damage. Lightning Strike Once per day on a successful hit, you can choose to add an amount of d6s (lightning damage) equal to half of your cleric level rounded down, channeling the fury of the Storm Lord into one fateful blow.  

Upgrades (level and story dependent)

  Level 4: Storm Lord's Wrath Upgrade
  • You can now substitute the lightning damage from Storm Lord's Wrath with thunder damage.
Level 6: Lightning Strike Upgrade
  • Your lightning strike ability now ignores resistance to lightning damage.
Level 8: If attuned, the wielder of Stormfury gains the feat Elemental Adept (Lightning) Lightning Strike
  • Can now chain to enemies within 10 feet of the original target.
Prerequisite: Björn needs to have reinstilled the fear of Talos in the hearts of the orcs of the Circle of Thunder. This is subject to change. Level 10: You now gain a +1 enhancement bonus to spellcasting.   Thundering Clash (Can be used in place of Lightning Strike)   When you take an attack action, you can declare that you are using this ability.   Level 12: Stormfury is now a Very Rare quality mace. You now have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.   Level 14:   Level 16: Stormfury is now of Legendary quality. You now have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Prerequisite: Björn needs to have slain 5 giants, at least one of them on his own. This is subject to change.   Lightning Strike
  • Can now create an arc of pulsing electricity between yourself and the target. For anyone besides yourself, this electric field is difficult terrain and will do 2d6 lightning damage if passed through. If a creature ends its turn in this current, they must pass a constitution save equal to your spellcasting DC or be stunned until the end of their next turn. This effect ends if the paired creature recloses the gap between you, or gets farther than fifteen feet away from you. It also ends if it is still in effect at the end of your next turn.
  Level 18: Lightning Strike/Thundering Clash
  • Can now be used up to twice per day.
  • Lightning Strike can now bypass lightning damage immunity and treat it as resistance instead. Thunder resistance is also now ignored.
Level 20: Stormfury is now of artifact quality. You now gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your spellcasting.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder


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