Syndra Silvane

A renowned but retired adventurer living in Baldur's Gate that was once brought back from the dead years ago, not something uncommon among those that work in that field. She is currently afflicted by the death curse and has sent multiple teams of experienced adventurers into the depths of the Chultan jungle in desperate attempts to find the Soulmonger, which according to the Harpers, is the source of her ailments. Syndra was able to provide one of the most complete living maps of Chult, working from dozens of sea charts, log books, and explorers’ journals into one map. She promised magic items to the party if the quest was completed successfully, and assured that the adventurers would make plenty of money in Chult, a land ripe with lost riches. It is unknown as of now if she is still alive.   Official Forgotten Realms Wiki Page

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rapidly deteriorating due to the death curse.

Apparel & Accessories

An embroidered hood and silver mask.


Contacts & Relations

Syndra Silvane was friends with Wakanga O'tamu, one of the merchant princes of Port Nyanzaru.

Wealth & Financial state

As a former adventurer and current archmage, Syndra is well off and owns a manor in Baldur's Gate with at least three floors, lavish furnishings, and a uniformed attendant.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Dying painfully or dead, not sure yet.
Current Location


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