DoIP - Session 05 - Report

General Summary

26 Mirtul 1492 - Campaign Day 4

Draco, Marth, and Karl get up at 7:00am and have a lovely breakfast. They hang around the dinning area for a while waiting for Bandit and Cratchit, but they do not show up. Concerned, they head upstairs to their room around 9:00am. After knocking a few times, they discover that Bandit and Cratchit had a very late night and were still asleep. Cratchit opens the door, still looking like Bandit. She briefly transforms into Draco before deciding to go back to Bandit’s form. The pair get ready and have a quick breakfast.
  The group gets a bit of a later start than they wanted but soon enough they are headed off to Gnomengarde to see if they gnomes really do have something that can help slay the dragon. As they walk, Bandit and Marth play a lovely tune on their harmonica and lyre, respectively. It helps pass the time and the tune is even picked up by a few birds.
  After a while, Bandit becomes bored and decides to climb a tree. However, being a minotaur, this proves rather difficult as her hooves cannot find purchase in the bark. Bandit becomes frustrated and decides to take her anger out on the tree, ramming it with her horns. She feels very accomplished until she realizes that one of her horns is now stuck in the tree. It takes a few minutes, but eventually Cratchit and Draco are able to pull Bandit free while Marth provides moral support. Karl, meanwhile, spends the time chasing butterflies.
  The group arrive at Gnomengarde just after lunch time. Upon entering the caves, they meet a guard manning a huge contraption with a dozen crossbows mounted on it. At first, she is not willing to let them pass. She changes her mind when she sees the letter from Halia Thorton and directs the group in the direction of Gemna, warning them of the spinning blades in one of the caves up ahead.
  The group decide to explore the caves on their way. They discover a storeroom with barrels of pickling juice. Upon further inspection, they notice that one of the barrels looks slightly out of place. Draco pokes the barrel and the barrel morphs to reveal a mouth full of pointed teeth and attacks. The barrel is a mimic!
  Draco, Bandit, and Karl stay of out the mimic’s range while Marth and Cratchit run back to the guard for backup. However, upon learning that there is a shape-changing monster, she abandons her post and runs deeper into the caves. Marth and Cratchit return just as the mimic tries to attack Draco. Together the group makes quick work of the mimic and manage to defeat it while only taking minimal damage.
Report Date
07 Mar 2024
Primary Location
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