DoIP - Session 06 - Report

General Summary

26 Mirtul 1492 - Campaign Day 4

After defeating the mimic, the party heads further into Gnomengarde. The come across another pair of guards, who verify the mimics death before letting them travel further into the caves. They cross a rope bridge and enter a room with multiple spinning blades. They manage to disable the blades with only minimal damage to themselves before moving onwards. They enter the main workshop where the meet two gnomes, Fiddlestib and Dabbledob, who are arguing about how to best deal with the King’s “insanity.” Our heroes reveal that they have killed the monster and ask where they can find Gemna Gleamsilver so they can get their audience with the kings.
They are directed towards the gnome living quarters. Draco, Marth, and Karl go to speak with Gemna and deliver Halia’s letter, while Bandit and Cratchit help the other gnomes make soup for lunch. Gemna agrees to bring the party to the kings’ bedroom but cautions that the king may not open the door.
It takes some convincing, but eventually the king believes the party really did kill the mimic and opens the door, allowing the party to untie the other king. The king and the workshop gnomes thank the party with some magic items. They also give the party a heads up about a magic weapon (a sword) that could be helpful in defeating the dragon.
The party heads back to Phandalin, arriving just after supper. They head back to the inn with the intention of asking the innkeeper if he knows anything about the Sword of Dragonslaying, but he is away until the morning. Marth decides to check the job board again, then heads to the Miner’s Exchange with Draco and Karl to speak with Halia about the Sword of Dragonslaying. Afterwards, Marth makes a stop at the Lionsheild Coster while Draco and Karl wait outside so that Karl does not get arrested for his attempted robbery. Marth trades in his leather armor to get a discount on a set of studded leather armor.
Meanwhile, Bandit and Cratchit head back to the Alderleaf farm for another kitchen party and don’t return to the inn until after midnight.
Report Date
14 Mar 2024
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