Emerald Enclave

The following information is sourced from Tyranny of Dragons.

The Emerald Enclave is dedicated to maintaining balance in the natural order and combating the forces that threaten that balance. Members of the enclave live in the wilderness or in small communities, and the order has almost no representative in towns and cities. They are not opposed to civilization, however. Rather, they seek to prevent civilization and wilderness from harming one another. Those who serve the Emerald Enclave are masters of survival and living off the land, of navigating through the wilderness, and of reading the signs that indicate approaching weather, and of reading the signs that indicate approaching weather, the passage of creatures, and the approaching weather, the passage of creatures, and the general weal of the natural world.

DM Notes

Using the Emerald Enclave

Members of the Emerald Enclave operate alone or in small groups. Their primary focus is places where the natural world and civilization intersect, because that’s where the natural order is most easily upset. Humanoids and monsters alike can become a threat to nature when they are thrown out of balance with their environment or their role in the world.
Whenever characters are travelling through the wilderness – and especially if they get into trouble in a remote area – they can encounter agents of the Emerald Enclave. If the adventurers need someone to guide them safely across a mountain range or lead them through trackless, monster-infested forest, there is no better choice than a member of the order.
Druids, rangers, and barbarians make up most of the Emerald Enclave, but any character with a strong affinity for nature can find a place in the order.

Emerald Enclave NPC Template

Name: Delaan Winterhound
Alignment: Neutral Good
Species: Half-Elf
Class: Ranger
Ideals: Balance, life ("In all good hearts is a spot of darkness, and in all tragedy is a glimmer of light.")
Interaction Traits: Quiet
Resources: Druids, treants, and good- and neutral-aligned lycanthropes.

Delaan spends much of his time wandering the northern wilderness, and although he visits friends in Nesmé once a year, he otherwise shies away from large settlements. He is clearly uncomfortable in cities. Delaan's oldest friend and mentor is a mighty treant named Turlang who resides in the High Forest.


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