Order of the Gauntlet

The following information is sourced from Tyranny of Dragons.

The Order of the Gauntlet shares the Harpers’ dedication to justice and equality, but their methods and attitudes are quite different. Bearers of the gauntlet are holy warriors on a righteous quest to crush evil and promote justice, and they never hide in the shadows. Evil must be opposed openly and vanquished in the light of day, so that all can see and be emboldened by its destruction.
Members of the order are driven by religious fervour and by devotion to the principle of justice for all. Whether a member places more emphasis on one or the other of those ideals is an individual choice. Camaraderie and esprit de corps run high within the order, and an individual member will risk anything to save a fellow member or to complete an important mission.
The Order of the Guantlet is a young organization, and it is eager and restless for action. It does not take orders from any government or temple, although the opinons of holy figures are greatly esteemed within the order. When evil threatens, the gauntlet strikes.

DM Notes


Using the Order of the Gauntlet

Members of the Order of the Gauntlet make interesting NPCs for roleplaying encounters because of their outgoing ways and strong opinions. Sharing a roadside inn with twenty paladins from the Order of the Gauntlet, or joining their march for a few days when headed in the same direction, should be a memorable experience.
Clerics, paladins, and monks make up the majority of the Order of the Gauntlet, but any other character of a righteous mind is welcome in the order’s ranks.

Order of the Gauntlet NPC Template

Name: Ontharr Frume
Alignment: Lawful Good
Species: Human
Class: Paladin
Ideals: Responsibility, great good ("The strong must defend the weak, whatever the cost.")
Interaction Traits: Friendly, hot-tempered
Resources: Paladins and healing clerics to support the fight against evil

  Boisterous and gregarious to a fault, Ontharr Frume is a well-respected member of the Order of the Gauntlet. He will seek proof that the party is righteous or has divine guidance, for it is only with the blessing of Torm and the other gods that evil can be defeated. Just as good deeds must be performed in the light for all to see, evil must be shunned and fought at every turn. He can be won over by heroic and righteous deeds, but he will turn against characters who cooperate with or tolerate evil.


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