Mon, Aug 22nd 2022 02:57   Edited on Sun, Sep 4th 2022 06:32

Earning Trust

Faerun is a dangerous place. Any adventurer can tell you that, especially those with the scars, ailments, or missing limbs to prove it. Between the savage beings, conniving factions, and monolithic beasts, any would-be hero could find their life cut short at a moment's notice. Sometimes, all that separates a hero from life and death is luck. But in other instances, it's the companions that stand beside them.   Such respect isn't earned lightly, and every individual has their own expectations where earning their trust is concerned. With that in mind:   What does it take for someone to earn your character's trust?   Maybe fighting side by side is enough. Or perhaps a common enemy unites you with another, even if temporarily. Whatever the reason, explain it here with a paragraph or story from the past or present. Happy writing as always!
Mon, Aug 22nd 2022 07:41

NOMAD:   Haven't been many I feel I can trust my life with. Not because they weren't deserving of it either. Mostly because I'm still scared of what comes when they learn too much. But in the past there have been a few. A few more these days as well, come to think of it.   I knew a warforged once. He vouched for me when I needed it. He had no reason to, but he did anyway because he saw what I was going through at the time and believed more in what was right than what the law dictated. Silver. That was his name. I haven't seen him since, but I believe he just wanted to do something good for someone in need. I might have some questions for him, but if it came down to him or someone else telling me one thing or another, I know who I'd believe.   Angus comes to mind. After how he looked after me in the war, it was easy to trust him. On and off the battlefield, he never left me. Never once didn't have my back. We bled together, shared our pasts, our hopes. It all started when he was ready to stand beside me against some bullies who picked the wrong fight.   Does that mean you just need to bleed with me and then we're friends? I might be more inclined to respect you, but not necessarily. Actions speak louder than words, but so does intention. Durnan is a good example of that. Didn't need to help me the night I first got to Waterdeep, but he did, just because I was honest with him and he decided to hear me out. He runs his business, and that will likely come first most of the time, but because of his intentions that night, I know he'd rather do what's right than what's going to get him some extra gold.   And for the people next to me...I guess I have some reservations about why they're doing this. I know money is a big factor. But does that mean I don't trust them? No. Because each time it's come down to money or one of our lives, I know what I've seen, and I know what was in their hearts when they stuck their necks out for someone else. That's because of intention.   Action fueled by intention. If you focus on doing what's right, then actually do it, I'm pretty sure I can trust you after that.
Sun, Sep 4th 2022 06:32   Edited on Sun, Sep 4th 2022 06:35

I give my trust willingly, openly, and easily once.   Once.   I trust or have trusted each one of my companions in arms. I question a few now, and I believe my feelings are valid. My brother Mamnen and I, when we were kids, used to say that we could tell if we'd connect with a person's innate good or badness by feeling it in our bodies. I do get some warning twinges about some of them that make my "don't-trust" compass spin erratically. Orion and Illidrex are both in my laments. Their actions, words, and my intuitive feelings don't always match and I have to be careful.   Renaer once told me I had "inappropriate boundaries" and that's not true--and I'm not saying it because the boy has severe issues with autonomy and adulthood. It's not that I hold people too close too fast, or too far sometimes... it's exactly what I said at the beginning of this answer. I treat everyone on the same plane initially--unless you're a devil--or trigger something absolutely horrifying in my body's intuitive compass--and so, it's actions before words before thoughts. But as soon as the line is crossed, there's no mending crumpled parchment, even if it still serves the function...   And that's what most of these companions in arms are...serving a function. Nomad, Angus...formerly (and up until recently) Illidrex and Orion as well...have not crumpled the trust parchment at all. That's why I tell them things. Sadachbia is someone I am inclined to pull in as well. In fact, I will pull him in. His only question is that he is introverted, and just because I am not that should not discredit him.   Regulus, Honorine, Jain, Kal... I just get a distinct hesitation type of energy. I'm heeding that.