Mon, Sep 5th 2022 11:57   Edited on Tue, Sep 6th 2022 12:42

A Special Place

From ruined castles, to soaring mountains, arid deserts or lush jungles, even something as simple as a tranquil brook can bear meaning. To the creatures around it, those who have visited it, those who built it, or to the historians who study it, Faerun is saturated with places of note. The question now is:   What's a significant place in Faerun?   This could be anything from an old battlefield, to an existing cathedral, a shop or emporium, or just a place your character likes. With a massive, open world all around our characters, let's fill that world with some fun places to adventure and explore! Happy writing!
Tue, Sep 6th 2022 12:20

Vale of the Silent   Tucked deep within the peaks of the Spine of the World, just before the land gives way to the frozen north, there is a place of unprecedented fertility and abundance in the form of greenery and plant life. Glens, groves, and emerald glades stretch for miles in this protected valley. With an alpine climate, the area hovers between freezing and temperate, allowing for ample rainfall with minimal frosts. Streams are equally abundant as melting snows from the peaks above contribute to ample run-off that take the form of soaring waterfalls lining the pristine valley. Creatures of all kinds make their homes here, yet so isolated is this vale that few have ever successfully made the journey into the Spine of the World to see it. Those who claim this place as a home seem to have tunneled here or were always there to begin with.   Despite this abundant life and the presence of numerous species and creatures, there's an overwhelming presence of disconcertment. Sound doesn't carry in this place. Despite the vastness of the valley and ample rock walls to reflect voices, the waters from above drown out calls from adventurer and creature alike. Yet despite the waterfalls that would normally roar as their waters fell, barely any of the streams actually make it to the valley floor, dissipating into vapor before condensing on leaves and grass to reform into running water. And despite the running water, none of its splashes or descents is loud enough to carry over the density of the foliage that suffuses the region. Even winds cannot carry over the soaring crags of the Spine of the World above. The Vale of the Silent generates its own weather cycles, erosion, and other natural phenomena, all in utter quiet.   Because of this, the few that have actually visited the place are split between two perceptions. The place is haunted, or the place is holy. All depending on who you ask. Druids and rangers hold the Vale of the Silent as one of nature's last respites, a blessed sanctuary of Meilikki or Chauntea. Other adventurers, unnerved by the eerie silence, attest that it's a dangerous place where dark forces can conspire amidst the veil of life, their sinister plans masked by such abundance. It has yet to be discovered which perspective is true.
Tue, Sep 6th 2022 12:42

The Protector's Enclave   Named after the Lord Protector of the city, this district of Neverwinter is a bustling merchant center. Most notable to this mercenary is the Grand Emporium where mercenaries find work and wild beasts are sold. This district is the only one that was not destroyed during a cataclysm and Lord Dagult Neverember helped combine two parts of the old Neverwinter to "New Neverwinter."   An intriguing place--with much lore and legend of note and intrigue to this mercenary--is Castle Never. Its reconstruction is ongoing, but it's mysterious holdings and history are alluring. That's all this mercenary can say about it.   A place in Neverwinter this mercenary avoids: Moonstone Mask. A festhall that Lord Dagult asked this mercenary not to go...   On all the travels, Neverwinter remains my most interested and sacred home--but like I was told on my arrival, I am hardly in its streets. The Hall of Justice is what I am most familiar with, as it is Lord Dagult and my home. The priests of Torm are "new" to the establishment I guess--since it used to be a Temple for Tyr? I think Nomad has mentioned Torm a time or two? Anyway, the Hall of Justice is a beautiful, modern, elaborate dome of a building. It sits nestled in the Protector's Enclave. I miss it...