Mon, Mar 21st 2022 02:17   Edited on Sun, May 8th 2022 10:59


The shrouded ranger from the north refuses to speak to anyone in his party more than is necessary, for he carries a dark secret he's too afraid to confront should any of his fellows come to learn of it. But now he must choose to win their trust or live in suspicion. A sorceress knows an ancient incantation that could save the local lord and garner favor with the king, but in so doing, would condemn the local populace to indentured servitude. She keeps this knowledge to herself, fully aware of the consequences should she be discovered. A cleric discovers that their superiors are involved in a fiendish conspiracy, gathering followers under the pretense of a noble deity while plotting their ritual sacrifice to a lord of Hell. If she exposes them, they'll slaughter everyone and more. If she does nothing, innocent souls are condemned to a fate worse than death.   Every adventurer will eventually have their values tested. In the direst of moments, what they choose can haunt them or reinforce their beliefs and deepen their resolve for years, decades, or even a lifetime. The hard part is choosing wisely.   What's a difficult choice your character has had to make in their lifetime?
Mon, Mar 21st 2022 07:48

That was something he'd only saved for the demons and devils. Whenever they'd come after him, he made it a point to show them exactly the kind of monster Asmodeus had made him into. Zariel was the first, and the arch duke of Hell had aimed to perfect his corrupted masterpiece with a second go, but now that creation was loose. He'd escaped, and as he'd conveyed to the enemies he'd just felled, he didn't come for the weak or poor when manifesting his wrath. It was the corrupt and evil he claimed, turned loose on the denizens he'd once been made to fight beside. Orion knew, but the Imp had never seen it. Not till now. Only Orianna and Zora had witnessed the transformation, and he'd never forget the look of horror in his daughter's eyes. Now the others knew, but he'd made his choice. The consequences would be revealed later.   He swore he could hear Asmodeus laughing in his mind.   Sadachbia gave him some hope. If the druid cared, he didn't show it. Even feigned playful ignorance. "What DID happen in there?" he'd said. It made Nomad grin beneath the visor of his helmet. Still, with the others he hadn't even bothered looking them in the eye since the fight. He kept to himself and preferred it like that as he reflected on the entire encounter, upset with himself for more than a few reasons. Even if the others didn't mind, he did. Kal was already in the war he was fighting. Maybe even Angus. The others would think he was talking about the Zhentarim and the Black Network, but there was a greater conflict being waged they knew nothing about. Now they'd seen a glimpse of it, and if the dream was any indication, they were likely going to see a lot more.   He wondered, like he had with his daughter: had he made the choice for them?   It wouldn't have been the first time he accidentally dragged someone else into his war. Angus was close. When they'd served together in the War of Tyranny, there were more than a few moments where he had to call upon the dark gift of Hell, but thankfully it hadn't brought about any greater danger to him or the kindly Minotaur, who hadn't seen anything that he could remember. There were more than enough targets for the devils too. It gave him satisfaction knowing he'd been able to strike back against Hell and not have a friend pay for it, but he knew he couldn't stay too close to Angus for long after that. As he recalled those days, he remembered the choice he'd made to leave his friend behind and return home. Interestingly enough, that was a harder decision than what he chose to disclose to the minotaur or not.   "Fucking hell," he muttered to himself, trying to remember an old mantra of not letting anyone get too close. It wasn't just Hell they needed to be worried about, but Heaven too. Anyone who knew what he was knew too much already. Angels could come after them just to get to him if they heard about the "Fallen" and who might have seen him last. For all he knew, Uriel was still after him. If she came to Waterdeep, it wasn't like he could just leave. If he had to confront his former comrade, he wanted to at least stipulate the terms of that confrontation. With any luck, he could keep the others out of it. Maybe he'd have to disappear again.   He'd made his choice in the sewers. They got the job done. All of them were able to walk home at the end of the day. It probably wasn't even that big of an issue to them, not with a hulking Tabaxi, a friendly Minotaur, and a number of other oddities. He wasn't the strangest thing they'd seen or encountered. That's what he told himself, anyway.   Hopefully he wouldn't be put in the same position again.
Sun, Mar 27th 2022 03:44

Kal is not one to resort to crime or petty theft easily. He has great respect for people who deserve it and at the end of the day wants peace. His time spent with Nathaniel as a teenager, before his adventure to waterdeep, broke some of his own rules and codes. On occasion they would have to steal food in order to survive. Sometimes even make shady business deals to make enough money for travels. None of which Kal was very proud of. In solitude Kal would punish himself for wrong doings. Kal couldn’t justify his actions through pure survival alone. After his crimes Kal would almost turn to masochism. He thought he was turning into the people he would hate most. However, in this darkness Nathniel could see their actions breaking Kal apart.   Nathaniel: “Kal, why are you so hard on yourself?”   Kal: “Can’t you see we take and take, what are we in the midst of all of this?”   Nathaniel: I can’t speak for the greater purpose of our lives but I do know survival is crucial for you and your destiny.”   Kal: “So that makes us above common folk? No, I can not believe that. What about the mouths of the children theos traders have to feed and the people we took from. What about..”   Nathaniel: “Kal…those traders have way more money than they will ever need.”   Kal:” How do you know that” Nathaniel: “I do my due diligence, trust me. Besides up until this point every person we “stole from” that you call it were not good people. And I always gave back to the families in need. I made sure of it. I saw you giving bread to those orphans at the last town we were at. You don’t think I would do the same?”   Kal stares long and hard at Nathaniel.   Nathaniel: “Now c'mon you know we always give back by helping those in need. We are just dictating who doesn’t need that help by taking it and giving it to people more worthy. You will see that in time. Most men have a nasty obsession with greed and power.”
Tue, Mar 29th 2022 07:00   Edited on Tue, Mar 29th 2022 07:06

Atka looked at the property in Neverwinter, knowing that this mission would probably be the defining one for her, the one that would change her always... Dagult had asked her to personally deliver his son Renaer to him once again, which meant she had to return to Waterdeep. She swore never to go back there until Jone Marduk, or rather Jone Mennith, the half-devil from Hell itself, was found and returned safely in her charge. And she was no closer to finding her in the Northern mines, breaking her bonds, OR summoning IRE. And what's more than that, the love of her life was suffering at the hands of grief and she was powerless.   She collapsed, cross-legged, in front of the door to the castle and buried her face in her hands. Her belongings jostled and knocked against the ground and the door loudly. She didn't care if he answered it so soon after they said their farewells. She was not going. Screw that spoiled, little--   "Atka, what's happened?"   "Willard!" she exclaimed and jumped up, fumbling to keep her backpack and traveling accompaniments at bay. "I--I just--I..."   "Do you want me to fetch his lordship? Is something amiss?" Willard's concern could've been mistaken for brazen suspicion. Somebody was trying to get Atka in trouble with Dagult, she knew.   "No, I just..." ...don't want to leave him, she finished in her head. The closest they had ever been had been this period of descent since Ranaer's disappearance. She had a choice alright: stay and comfort her lord, or go and possibly break his heart if this mission failed. She had failed missions before--people die, treasures go missing, life goes another way, but Dagult really appeared to love this boy in a way that he had not shown to her before Ranaer's departure. That spoke to her now.   "Are you okay?"   "I'm fine, Willard. Gods! Go serve someone something."   "I'll serve you your notice!"   "I'd like to see you try."   "I bet you would. I'd whoop you."   "HA HA HA." Atka joked and sauntered down the path a bit. "Thanks for making this choice easier. I'm glad he has YOU, the almighty and powerful WILLARD, to protect him in my absence."   "He doesn't need protection here," Willard said and shut the door loudly. Atka frowned. If only I believed that, she thought.
Sun, May 8th 2022 10:59

He is currently (at the time of the game) struggling with sharing the knowledge of what had happened to him. What he saw. Not because of what it is, but because of the fear of the reaction of those around him. Causing fear and panic from those that would feel helpless against what it is that's out there. He has shared it, somewhat cryptically, with some others that may be able to help, but hasn't disclosed the information fully to scholars/colleagues at the college. He isn't sure what their reaction might be and is wrestling his own conscience about how to proceed.