Sun, Apr 17th 2022 11:56   Edited on Mon, May 9th 2022 01:10

Who are these people?

The start of any adventurer’s career is seldom a solitary endeavor. “Mercenary Work For Local Lord,” “Warrior’s Needed to Guard Caravan,” “Brave Heroes Called to Slay Dragon…” Or maybe a chance meeting in a local tavern. Whatever the call, heroes are brought together to see the task through, and during that time, friendships, rivalries, and more are solidified.   Now that your character has faced numerous challenges with their fellow adventurers, what do they think of the allies fighting beside them?   A few sentences, a word, or however much you want to expound, share your character’s thoughts on the other party members!
Sun, Apr 17th 2022 11:57   Edited on Mon, Apr 18th 2022 12:21

Nomad   Illidrex: Hard to get the exact measure of a man who keeps so many secrets, (I’m one to talk) but his actions speak for him. He doesn’t shy from a fight, and when someone asks for help, or even when they don’t, he’s there. I respect that, and his right to privacy. Good ally.   Orion: My brother-in-law has never failed to treat me as family since the day Orianna introduced us. We’ve laughed, bled, and mourned together. Even if I don’t always approve of his methods and views, I know where we stand. We’ll always have each other’s back.   Regulus: I like this giant of a warrior. He seems carefree but focused. Kindhearted, but fierce. And he’s dauntless, which I admire. Perhaps I can learn something from that perspective. I’m glad to fight by his side.   Jain: this man confuses me. I can’t quite understand what motivates him or the reasoning behind his views, but like Illidrex, I weigh his actions as the most important aspect of his being. He commands formidable power, and he uses it to help our cause. I don’t take that lightly, and even in my confusion, I would still bleed for him, as I believe he’d do for me.   Kal: a brother in arms from a time long since passed, but I don’t forget the bond we share in the hardship we faced. His methods may be questionable, but his loyalty and courage are beyond fault. I’m glad fate brought us together again. Perhaps redemption awaits us both if it hasn’t found him already. If not, I intend to ensure he gets it in this lifetime.   Honorine: she’s very much like the blade at my back. I don’t need to ask if the job will get done. I know it will. Just as I know I can trust her to have my back in whatever mission we undertake. Wouldn’t want to get on her bad side either. The fact I’ve never seen her angry tells me all I need to know. Gods help whoever gives her reason to surrender her patience.   Atka: I see so much unbridled potential in her. I know she’s only half my age, but I feel like she’s laughed, loved, and lived more in her years than I have in my combined lifetimes. I hope her passionate nature doesn’t land her in more trouble than she can handle. But she’s a fine warrior with a good heart, and one I’m glad to fight beside.   Sadachbia: I have nothing but respect for this man. During all of our undertakings, he’s been committed to the cause, but even more committed to the wellbeing of others. A healer and shaman…I don’t know what secrets he holds, but I feel it doesn’t matter. His heart is just. He honored my request for discretion too. All of that combined is more than enough for me.   Angus: I’ve never met a nobler soul since coming to the material world. His compassion would humble any angel, and his courage would do the same. Since parting ways after the war of Tyranny, I’ve come to realize he’s the one friend I’ve truly missed. I keep others at a distance for their protection and mine, but after he so readily and freely offered to free me from Hell’s grasp, I don’t think I can with him any longer. His virtue inspires me to better mine. I can see why the spirits would honor his call and come to his aid. One day, I hope I can introduce him to Zora. He’s a friend I want to keep around.
Mon, Apr 18th 2022 01:37

Nomad: A man I would like to emulate and yet, hold as a cautionary tale. I don't know what he's hiding, but he is older, wiser, and very much a testament to what a life of training and duty can do. I worry about him--as I don't know what he's capable of. I do know that I consider him worthy of my friendship and unyielding faith. I wouldn't hesitate if he said, "Jump" or "Run" in a fight. I just wish he'd trust me enough to do the same.   Angus: After our last conversation, I feel like his heart is noble, pure and steadfast. He aims to help those he considers friends, and maybe even those he doesn't. The fact that he's not able to lie to a degree speaks so much to his venerable nature. I hope he (and his mentor) can help me. I really, really do. And I trust that even if he can't, he'd know what to do if the worst should happen and I become too much of a...liability.   Sadachbia: I've seen so much gentility and intelligence from him that I don't have much negative to say, which is a good thing. My feeling is that I can trust that he'll help me up if I fall, so I can fight without fear--which is a relief when talking demons and devils.   Illidrex: As a man of many secrets, he is by far the one I knew that I could trust with my many secrets. Why I was so comfortable is that his voice is reassuring, alluring, and matter-of-fact to me. It takes the tone that I imagine a compassioned face would, and that is why I feel I can trust him with my depths, and why I trust his advice after. I respect him. And I feel in my soul that he respects me. I may be wrong, but I have strong doubts that I am.   Jain: His motives I question. I watched him risk a friend for a piece of literature, and later found out that it was for personal gain. He makes a handsome cocktail, and asks the right questions, even if I wonder about his role here. It's not that I couldn't trust him (It's that I don't), and yet, I see myself welcoming his presence on the battlefield.   Orion: Oh, my faction-mate, race-mate, and promise-bound friend... I know he means to push my buttons sometimes with his generalizations about Tieflings, which sometimes are true for me, and why I let those buttons be pushed I will never know. I know, though, that I can count on him when I need him; all I need do is say those three magic words, that one magic phrase. No questions asked. It's a powerful feeling to have that kind of unspoken faith in someone.   Kal: He seems like a useful person to have around in a demonic or devilish pickle. I don't trust him, per se, but I get the feeling that others I trust do, and that makes me think that I may be able to rely on him for help...maybe with what I worry about may be happening with my twin Either way, his power is real, and while it makes me nervous, I'm glad that someone in the know is on our side.   Regulus: Leonin are interesting to me, in much the same way that I imagine I am interesting to him. He's the only one of his kind that I've met, and if all are anything like him, I would gladly call them "warriors" and "comrades." I feel a strong affinity to him for some reason. I think it's because his appeal to strength is so much like my own desire to nurture mine.   Honorine: She needs to stay out of my head, out of the shadows, and quit being so damn mysterious before I can place judgment. She's a great shot, yes, but her disappearance during the arrest after the demon portal closed really concerns me about my/our ability to rely on her. It's not that I couldn't trust her, or that I don't like her, honestly from our few conversations, she seems fine... If I had to bring her all the way in, or keep her at arm's length yet, I'd easily pick the latter for now.
Mon, May 9th 2022 01:10   Edited on Mon, May 9th 2022 01:10

SADACHBIA     Angus - At first, I was wary of the Minotaur, as I’m sure most are, but Angus seems to go above and beyond to prove people wrong. He has a very strong conviction when it comes to what he deems right and wrong.     Atka - A strange one. I typically don’t see one with such an attitude that looks after others as she does. Fiercely loyal to those under her care as I saw with her and Neverember, albeit with a heavy hand when it comes to that protection.     Honorine - It had been a while since I had seen her, but after getting to know her better, it’s no wonder I lost that drinking contest. Once she sets her mind to accomplishing a task, nothing can get in her way. I am curious as to what happened in that chamber when she snuck off, however. Seems like there is more to her than just a peerless aim and determination.   Illidrex - Great performer. I vaguely recall seeing him juggle, but the details are a bit hazy. I just remember it blew my mind. Those skills come in handy in more ways than one. It’s always a nice thing for a team to be well rounded. Shore up the weaknesses of others. Illidrex seems to do so in a couple of areas that the rest of our crew lacks.   Jain - Extremely dedicated to his studies. I like that about him, but it can be reckless sometimes. My parents used to say, “Without wisdom, knowledge is either useless or destructive.” From what I gather, my parents might have been talking about people like Jain, but who knows? He may end up surprising me.   Kal - He has such a talent in the realm of the arcane that scares most. He seemed at ease when dealing with the demons we’ve encountered so far. I don’t know if that should set my mind at peace or on edge. He is one to be watched. Whether it’s to learn from him or keep him at a safe distance is yet to be determined.   Nomad - Stalwart and a force to be reckoned with. I’m glad he’s on our side. Even after my first encounter with him in the forest up north, he seems to have advanced in his skill. He clearly has some things in his past that haunt him, but I’ve lived my life under the assumption that I can usually trust most people until they give me a reason not to. He hasn’t given me a reason yet. I hope he never does.   Orian - A loose cannon if I’ve ever seen one. Quick to shoot in both the literal and metaphorical sense. I’m a little worried about some of the things he does, but time will tell if he learns from his experiences. He has a humorous side to him that seems to antagonize Atka, but no one should take themselves too seriously. I just hope it doesn’t get us into trouble.   Regulus - The closest thing to a brother I still have. After almost a year alongside him in the Feywild, I’ve learned that he is one of the most capable people I’ve met. Filled with a fire that keeps him driving forward, he is an exceptional companion to have in our troupe. I owe him my life countless times over. I hope to repay him some day, but for now, the scales seem to be heavily weighted in his favor. Every day is another chance to thank him for my life.