Mon, Jun 27th 2022 03:02   Edited on Mon, Jun 27th 2022 11:11


In their continual development, heroes can often find inspiration or guidance in the most unlikely of places. A cleric of Pelor draws obvious inspiration from each sunrise, but what isn't known is her affinity for the element of fire, believing that it reflects the nature of her faith and leads her to be bold in professing her god's teachings. A mighty warlord is hardened by war, believing he should be as enduring as the steel of his sword. But he also trusts in the stars to guide him, seeking the stillness of their passage across the night sky before every battle.   Your prompt for this subject is a simple one: what is a symbol, element, person, place, or thing that your character identifies with or draws inspiration from?   For example: Victor is a psionic warrior who believes his mind and his marksmanship are his greatest weapons. As such, he finds strength in the falcon for its ability to observe and strike from up high, but also wolves for their ability to work as a team and overcome their foes.   Kaileena is an attractive bard who uses charm and guile to secure her desires, but she also feels most herself when contemplating the ocean and the vast mysteries contained in its depths. She wishes to emulate a wayfaring captain who sailed to every corner of the seas and found all their was to be found.   Whatever the element, creature, or concept, relay those reflections of your character with a few sentences, a paragraph, or a short story if so inspired. Happy writing!
Mon, Jun 27th 2022 08:33

Sky and wind are two governing elements for Nomad. While in Celestia, heavenly winds would often carry him aloft, both for enjoyment but also for expeditious travel to where he was needed in war. Wind and the open sky symbolize freedom to him, and because of that he'll often look skyward when seeking to calm his thoughts. As a mortal, wind has always been with him in his travels as he's drifted from place to place seeking work to provide for his family. Part of him believes that the wind is an omen from Celestia sent to guide him where he's most needed. He's also named his spectral steed "Ventus" which is the Celestial word for wind.   An animal Nomad admires is the Pegasus. It's the closest thing he can think of outside an actual angel that grants a glimpse into the majesty of Celestia, but its ability to soar and its fearsome loyalty and speed is something he also tries to embody. Loyalty to what limited friends he has, and even more importantly to his daughter. Speed in combat and action. Pegasi can also function both in solitary and group settings, and Nomad takes that to heart for how he tries to endure what life throws his way while helping others do the same.
Mon, Jun 27th 2022 11:11

Mamnen, Atka's twin brother, embodies everything she wishes she could (or rather the perception she has of him before they were separated as teens). She emulates his self-control, steadfastness, and calculating mind, and yearns to one day see those qualities in herself. That represents true integrity and "adulthood" to her. The maturity that comes with ability of being to be in-control is as ethereal as a fae to her, and so sought after...   She never was exposed to elements, animals, or gods growing up in the same way as many of others in Faerun, because, she realizes now, of her mother's need to hide them and be discrete from her devilish past. However, she feels a fondness for the dragon whenever she seeks out information about her god-of-choice. She has yet to discover why there is this pull from within.