Mon, Mar 20th 2023 05:22   Edited on Mon, Mar 20th 2023 05:51

Myths and Legends

Across all of Aber-Toril, any number of legendary tales are told. They vary from culture to culture, continent to continent, even plane to plane, but each one is just as enigmatic as the next if not more epic. From humble farmers becoming mythic warriors, to ancient treasures waiting to be discovered, a degree of truth exists within each, and to a select, lucky few, they are waiting to be rediscovered that their legend may live on.   What's one such myth or legend of Faerun?   A few sentences, a short story, or a detailed history, it's all up to you. Folktale, myth, or legend are all on the table. Happy writing as always!
Mon, Mar 20th 2023 05:51

The Legend of Hachiman and Ryujin   Long ago, a traveler from the distant shores of Rokugan sought to honor his clan, the mightiest warriors in all the land, and braved the journey across the seas. A mighty storm was conjured by the dragon god Ryujin to harry the warrior's voyage, perpetuating a longstanding feud between those of the Dragon Clan, and those of the Warrior Clan. Hachiman laughed in defiance of the Dragon God's efforts, daring him to meet him for a duel on the soil of the new lands where both would meet challenges worthy of their skill. Accepting the challenge, Ryujin calmed the storm and joined Hachiman aboard his vessel that they may settle their dispute upon making landfall.   Weeks passed, and during their time navigating the foreign waters, both Ryujin and Hachiman made boasts about their impending victories over the other, each one surpassing the other's claims until both gods were reduced to laughter at their own hubris. In time, a respect was established between the two, and what once was a rivalry became a respect between the Warrior God and Dragon God.   Upon making landfall, both discovered a new world filled with strange and amazing beings, some very much like themselves. Even other gods! However, a challenge had been issued, and the duel needed to be settled before either of them could explore to find greater challenges to test their skill. When both warriors faced one another, a distant storm rumbled and the earth shook, the very powers of nature anticipating the titanic clash, but this disturbance drew the attention of other gods who were not pleased at the arrival of these foreign invaders, and they hurried to slay Hachiman and Ryujin.   When the gods of the new land arrived, they wasted no time in engaging the pair, and both Hachiman and Ryujin set aside their duel to rush to the other's aid. Both found a challenge beyond anything they'd imagined in the combined might of the new gods, and before long, Ryujin was nearly overwhelmed by their foes. Hachiman rushed to his rival's side, taking wound after wound to defend Ryujin before repelling their adversaries, who fled across the lands to places unknown. Hachiman helped Ryujin to his feet, smiled, then took his last breath before succumbing to his wounds.   The Dragon God wailed at the loss of his rival, discovering in that moment that in the time he'd spent with Hachiman, the Warrior God had proven himself not only to be a worthy rival, but a trusted friend, and one he would greatly miss. Ryujin took his friend's armor and weapons to the highest peak he could find in the new world, then summoned a storm stronger than anything he'd brought to bear before. Lightning split the mountain in two, and within its depths, Ryujin buried Hachiman, his mighty weapons and armor, and even himself in the hopes that one day Hachiman would return, and he and his friend could finish their duel and venture forth together once more.   Deep within the lost mountain, the ancient gods sleep, some say forevermore, as Hachiman can never return. However, if one worthy of the warrior's name were to find the ancient resting place and take up the Warrior God's armaments, it is whispered that Ryujin would return, and perhaps Hachiman with him. Only time will tell...