Gold Dragon Species in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Gold Dragon

Gold dragons are the strongest and most majestic of the metallic dragons, and are considered the apex of the draconic race. Graceful and wise, they are relentless and dedicated foes of evil, injustice, and foul play. While respected for their fairness and knowledge, they are also grim and reserved and usually avoid casual contact with other dragons.   A gold dragon's head is characterized by a short face with long and smooth metallic horns that swept back from its nose and brow, as well as the neck frills that adorned both sides of its neck. From the mouth and nostrils descends four pairs of long, flexible muscular spines that resembled whiskers or barbels. Along with the dragon's narrow eyes, these features contribute to giving them a look of sagacity. As the dragon ages, its pupils fade away until the eyes acquire an appearance of shiny, liquid gold. Other facial features include a pointed tongue and small cheek horns that grow sideways.   Gold dragons have broad sail-like wings that start from their shoulders and extend all the way to the end of their extremely long tails. During flight, the wings move in a graceful rippling motion that resembles swimming. This elegant flying motion is considered by many scholars, as well as by the gold dragons themselves, to be the most graceful among true dragons. When on the ground, the wings are kept closed upright over its back if the dragon was at rest, or folded facing back if the dragon was walking or running.   A newly hatched gold dragon has dark yellow scales dotted with metallic specks that increase in size with age, until they totally covered the scales, giving a shiny and radiant golden colour to the adult dragon's entire body.   Despite being capable of eating almost anything, gold dragons tend to hunt large and dangerous monsters and are particularly fond of including pearls and gems in their diet. Older dragons even have the ability to supernaturally locate gems in their vicinity. They tend to receive such gifts well, except if they were given as bribes.   Gold dragons can breathe underwater. They give off scents of saffron and incense, and sometimes a faint smell of molten metal.