Siamorphe (SEE-a-morf)

The Divine Right

Siamorphe is the representation of Nobles and their devine right to rule; through her encouragment they rule well and wisely for all their subjects.   Her dogma is that Nobles are the rightful rulers of the bulk of humankind provided that they keep fit for the task and responsibilities of rule. Nobles have the moral obligation to rule in the best manner possible for the people who serve under them even if their obligations conflict with their personal desires.   The descendants of noble bloodlines inherit their charisma and potential for wisdom from their noble ancestors. Their family fortunes provide them enough leisure time to be properly educated as rulers. The regular inheritance of noble titles by strict inheritance rules reduces the potential for power struggles between rival claimants to leadership. A strong noble class that cares for the commoners of Faerun and looks out for their best interest is the most stable, fair form of government.   While a very obscure diety, she is worshipped to some capacity by the noble families of Waterdeep
Divine Classification
Quasi-Deity (Demigod)
Aligned Organization
Divine Domains
Knowledge, Order and Peace Domains