
Chondathans are one of the more common human ethnicities, found in great number throughout the Western and Eastern Heartlands. They are a hardy, risk-taking folk who are apt to travel or take on new endeavors to better their lives and those of their loved ones. Their prominence throughout the Realms is due in large part to the extensive trade routes they have established, rather than military conquest.

The Chondathans of Faerûn are known for their affinity for the mercantile life. They are skilled and cunning traders, who judge the people they meet in their many travels based the wealth and influence they have acquired. Despite their proclivity for commerce, they are a people of their word, if only for their reputation's sake rather than any moral reasoning.

They are a slender, tawny or fair-skinned people with brown hair that range from a light, almost-blond hue to a darker color that could be mistaken for black. Chondathans are often somewhat taller than other humans, though not in all instances, and often have green or brown eyes. Those living north and west of the Inner Sea tend to resemble the lighter-skinned Illuskans while those who inhabit the lands south of the body of water had the darker skin that is common of the Netherese-descended ethnic groups.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Arveene, Esvele, Jhessail, Kerri, Lureene, Miri, Shandri, Tessele

Masculine names

Darvin, Dorn, Evendur, Gorstag, Grim, Helm, Malark, Morn, Randal, Rowan, Stedd

Family names

Amblecrown, Buckman, Dundragon, Evenwood, Greycastle, Tallstag


Shared customary codes and values

Because of their widespread distribution across the Realms, Chondathan society varies greatly between nations, and even between cities. As a people however, they have a shared emphasis on trade, exploration and freedom. Considering the diverse lands in which they have settled, the Chondathan people are not overly proud of their ethnic heritage and often identify themselves by the nation or kingdom in which they live. Their most commonly shared cultural value is their focus on garnering wealth, power and prestige.

The Chondathan people are fiercely competitive, and extremely self-reliant. They look upon acts of altruism and selflessness with bemusement and surprise. Those Chondathans who take on the life of adventure are attracted by the potential riches and fame they can claim for their own.

Encompassed species


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