Report: Session 4 - The Redbrands

General Summary

The party met with guildmaster Halia Thornton outside of the Phandalin Miner's Exchange to discuss her job offer regarding the Redbrands.

Guildmaster Thornton offered the party 100 gp to eliminate the Redbrands. The party readily accepted the job and made their way to the Sleeping Giant Tavern.

The party was welcomed by cold stares as they approached the bar. Daenan ordered around of drinks from the bartender.

"Bar's closed," the bartender told the party, while the other crimson-clad patrons were clearly being served. Taking the hint, the party turned around to leave. Three ruffians blocked their path.

Daenan wasted no time sending one of them flying with an eldritch blast. A bloody clash ensued. Every patron bore arms against the party, attacking from all sides.

In the fray, Xanaphia shot a firebolt, missing her target and setting a wall ablaze. The fire spread as the fight dragged on. As the party gained advantage, slaying most of the ruffians, the rest fled the burning tavern as Xanaphia fell unconsious succumbing to the blaze.

Thorin dragged Xanaphia out of the back building. Daenan treated her burns.

The party looked upon the building, flames reaching for the night sky, until the building finally collapsed.

Report Date
20 Dec 2023
Primary Location
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