Ahlorsath Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Ahlorsath (AAH-lorz-SHATH)

Ahlorsath (the Triton name for the collective colonies around Ahlors) immediately appears different from the other protectorates due to its placement. Its central capital rests immediately at the southeastern edge of the Trench of Lopok, rather than having all of its cities and towns surrounding it. While they encircle Ahlors from the eastern sides as normal, the expected cities and outposts to the west are taken up by the dark waters of the trench. Some speculate that the cities and towns exist on ledges within the Trench, but as expected, none are allowed to enter and discover the truth.


  • Ahlorsath
Founding Date
-91 DR
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Capital City: Ahlors The capital city of Ahlorsath is Ahlors itself, located adjacent to the Trench of Lopok.
Trade Cities (16 miles from capital):
Surrounding the city of Ahlors, there are five Trade Cities situated at the cardinal compass points, each approximately 16 miles away from the capital. These cities include:
  1. Otanyn
  2. Turos
  3. Wahlos
  4. Koryn
  5. Duthyn
Trade Towns (16 Miles from Trade Cities):
Beyond the Trade Cities, extending approximately 16 more miles from each Trade City, there are seven additional trade towns. These towns are named as follows:
  1. Andas
  2. Flaryn
  3. Ulgas
  4. Tuiros
  5. Qualas
  6. Cimbryn
  7. Sosath
Related Ranks & Titles
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