Amethyst dragon Species in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Amethyst dragon

Amethyst dragons, the mightiest of the gem dragons, study and psionically manipulate the fundamental principles of the multiverse, from the force of gravity to the emanations of the Outer Planes. Their innate psionics give them a measure of control over how physical laws affect them. They defy gravity with flight that doesn't rely solely upon their great wings, and gravitational force empowers both their devastating breath weapon and the exploding amethyst crystals they spit at their foes.  
Which came first, the gem or the dragon? Not a riddle, actually-it was the dragon.

Royal Purple

When first hatched, an amethyst dragon has scales of dull, opaque purple. As the dragon grows, their scales, horns, and wing membranes become more vibrant and translucent. When the dragon is fully mature, their scales resemble rich purple amethyst crystals, refracting light to take on an inner glow. Their pupils fade with age, making the eyes of an ancient dragon resemble glowing white or pale lavender orbs. Crystalline horns reminiscent of amethyst chunks hover behind their heads, held there by telekinetic force and shifting with their moods.  

Cosmological Study

Many amethyst dragons are fascinated by the existence of other worlds in the Material Plane, and especially the way individual dragons manifest unique echoes across those worlds. They also prize understanding of the cosmic forces that emanate from the Outer Planes, studying the opposing tides of good and evil, chaos and order, so they can offer counsel to those with the wisdom to accept it.   Amethyst dragons pay particular attention to intrusions of the Far Realm into the Material Plane. They loathe the corruption that accompanies such intrusions into the world, making them fierce opponents of the Far Realm and any creatures warped by its touch. Strangely, though, they are intrigued by and fond of flumphs. These Aberrations, which oppose the depredations of Mind Flayers and other wicked Aberrations, remind amethyst dragons that allies can be found in the strangest places.  

Hoarded Arcana

In addition to material wealth, amethyst dragons delight in collecting knowledge and magic dealing with the nature of the planes of existence, cosmic forces, and distant worlds. They prize treasures drawn from different worlds of the Material Plane, especially magic items and artworks that highlight the unique nature of different worlds. Magic items that allow teleportation or travel between planes, spellbooks filled with similar magic, and treatises examining the nature of the multiverse form the centerpiece of an amethyst dragon's hoard.  


Different kinds of dragon breath were reported for amethysts. Some shrieked like a banshee, with its attendant lethal power, but they could only do so twice a day. Others projected a line of force with concussive effect that could either stun or injure beings caught within. Finally, sometimes in addition to a line of force, once per day an adult could spit a kind of explosive crystal or faceted gem of violet with a lozenge shape. They could launch it up to 75 feet (23 meters) and with perfect aim, usually into the ranks of their foes. It exploded on impact with concussive force, harming all in a radius of 20 feet (6.1 meters) or 60 feet (18 meters). It could knock down creatures smaller than the dragon and knock them unconscious for a few hours.   Amethyst dragons were highly resistant to, if not entirely immune, to force-based spells, like magic missile, wall of force, Otiluke's resilient sphere, the Bigby's hand spells, and similar magic items like beads of force.   In addition to common dragon and gem dragon immunities, amethyst dragons were reported to be immune to poisons and to have an innate ability to breathe underwater they were born with, though this latter ability was later believed to be unique to topaz dragons.   Like any dragon, and in addition to the common powers of gem dragons, amethysts gained an array of magical powers as they aged. In one version, young dragons could walk on water six times a day; juveniles could neutralize poison six times a day; adults could shapechange into an animal three times a day (bird, reptile, or mammal, but only once of each type old dragons could use Otiluke's resilient sphere thrice a day; very old dragons could create a reflecting pool; and venerable dragons could control weather once a day. Alternatively, juveniles could stomp their feet on the ground to create a shockwave that would knock over those within 20 feet (6.1 meters) in front of them, thrice a day. An adult gained the power of invisibility once a day. An old dragon could alter its body equilibrium to match that of solids or liquids, allowing them to walk (not run) on water, quicksand, and even spider's webs if there were any large enough, without sinking or breaking the surface, and reduce their weight in a fall, once a day. Ancient dragons gained the power of suggestion once a day.   In particular, amethyst dragon could use a unique form of telekinesis, enabling them to lift up to 10 tons (9,100 kilograms) or hurl creatures as large as ogres, or engage in physical combat from afar. It was also useful in reshaping their environments.   Similarly, amethyst dragons could acquire and cast new spells of their own, whether arcane or divine, but they were most noted for their talent in psionics. Those who were so gifted learned the psionic attacks psionic blast, ego whip, or psychic crush and the psionic defenses mind blank or mental barrier, thought shield, or tower of iron will. For general powers, they favored psychokinesis as their primary discipline and psychometabolism as a secondary discipline, followed by telepathy. Common psychokinesis powers were control body, detonate, inertial barrier, molecular agitation, project force, and telekinesis; psychometabolism powers were cell adjustment, complete healing, energy containment, expansion, metamorphosis, and reduction; and telepathy powers were contact, domination, ESP, identity penetration, mindlink, mindwipe, and truthear. They also learned metapsionics powers like empower, magnify, pionic sense, psychic drain, psychic surgery, and ultrablast.   They were skilled in deception and stealth.

Basic Information


Biological Traits

Skin color(s): Shades of purple

Genetics and Reproduction

Amethyst dragons were good parents to their young, but felt they should be independent and learn to look after themselves by the time they were young adult dragons. Families raised clutches of two to five offspring, and they were likely to be encountered alone or in such clans.

Growth Rate & Stages

Amethyst dragons had skin that was lavender in hue and scales shaped like naturally formed mineral crystals. On a hatchling, these scales were small, translucent, and light purple, but as they aged they became steadily darker and more crystalline in appearance. An adult appeared a sparkling lavender. A hatchling had a 2‑foot-long (0.61‑meter) body and 4‑foot-long (1.2‑meter) tail, while an adult had a body length of 53 to 68 feet (16 to 21 meters) and a tail length of 46 to 56 feet (14 to 17 meters). The biggest great wyrms grew to 132 feet (40.2 meters) long in the body, with tails 100 feet (30 meters) long.

Ecology and Habitats


On the Material Plane, amethyst dragons enjoyed making their lairs on the shores of lakes and pools such as tarns lying in remote places in highlands and mountains. They might even dwell in caves below the water in such places.   However, a majority of amethyst dragons resided on the Elemental Plane of Earth, in caverns carved out of the endless rock. These comprised numerous tunnels and chambers bedecked with crystals of all the colors of the rainbow.  


Amethyst dragons could be encountered around the Stonelands, and less commonly in the neighboring Goblin Marches; around Highstar Lake on the High Moor; and in the rivers and lakes of Rashemen.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fish and gems


They were considered wise and majestic even by dragon standards. But they were aloof and paid little heed to conflicts between good and evil or chaos and law, as they believed them to be but petty squabbles. They favored talking things out rather than fighting, but considered retreating, ambushing, and hiding to be dishonorable.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Amethyst dragons were good parents to their young, but felt they should be independent and learn to look after themselves by the time they were young adult dragons. Families raised clutches of two to five offspring, and they were likely to be encountered alone or in such clans.   While they thought copper dragons and silver dragons were foolish and they disliked red dragons and white dragons, they were not fundamentally opposed to any creature. In fact, on occasion, amethyst dragons could mediate in conflicts between feuding dragons and even warring nations of humanoids.   They favored a diet of fish and gemstones but could subsist on elemental matter such as earth.   Amethyst dragons spoke Draconic and both their own language and a language shared among all gem dragons. Moreover, almost one in five hatchlings could communicate with any sentient being, and the others gained this power as they aged, with nearly half possessing it by the time they were mature adults and nearly three-quarters when great wyrms.   Amethyst dragons shared a profound fascination of foreign worlds and dimensions, and many became scholars of planar lore. These individuals were often particularly interested in the opposing forces of good, evil, chaos, and law emanating from the Outer Planes, and in the manner in which individual dragons manifested echoes of themselves across the worlds of the Material plane. Over their lives, these amethyst dragons developed considerable knowledge and understanding of these matters, which they often shared with those willing to listen to their counsel.   This study of the planes and their properties also made amethyst dragons keenly aware of the Far Realm and of its warping effects on the Material Plane. As they found the Far Realm's corruptive touch loathsome, amethyst dragons were staunch opponents of the creatures native to or twisted by it, most notably including aberrations. A notable exception to this enmity existed in the form of flumphs, which amethyst dragons were instead intrigued by and fond of. As the benevolent flumphs often dedicated themselves to opposing the activities of malevolent aberrations such as Mind Flayers, amethyst dragons viewed them as a reminder that allies can be found in the strangest of places.   Like the rest of the gem dragons, amethyst dragons were rarer in the Realms than the Common chromatic and metallic dragons.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Amethyst dragon scales were known as "teyastones". The Sisterhood of the Oaks, a band of rangers dwelling in the Chondalwood in the mid-to-late 14th century DR, each carried a teyastone to bring them luck and as a symbol of the love they held for each other.

Average Intelligence

Average Length
  • Wyrmling: 2 ft.
  • Adult: 60 ft.
  • Ancient: 132 ft.


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