Archduke Rank/Title in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


The archdevils were powerful, unique devils. The most powerful archdevils were the Lords of the Nine.  


The position of archdevils in the hierarchy of Baator was clear: archdevils were the most powerful and were, therefore, on top. The most powerful of the archdevils were the archdukes, also called the Lords of the Nine. Other archdevils were dukes, ruling portions of a layer, generals, or bureaucrats of various sorts.

Notable Holders

Archdevils of Avernus

Zariel: The Lord of the First and commander of the diabolical armies in the Blood War, Zariel was a fallen angel who had been appointed to her archdukedom by Asmodeus himself.
Bel: A general under the command of Zariel and a former archduke himself.
Tiamat: The queen of Dragons was the Lord of the First as a punishment from Asmodeus before Zariel and Bel.  

Archdevils of Dis

Dispater: The Lord of the Second, Dispater rarely left his Iron Tower due to his extreme paranoia.
Lilis: The loyal consort of Dispater.
Titivilus: Although not very powerful personally, Titivilus was Dispater's closest adviser.
Bitru: A duke of Dis in the service of Dispater.
Arioch: A vassal of Dispater who meted out vengeance on those who dared defy his master.
Biffant: The loyal provost of Dispater.
Merodach: A duke of Dis.
Alocer: A duke of Dis.  

Archdevils of Minauros

Mammon: The ruler of Minauros and patron of greed.
Glwa: Mammon's consort after Glasya left him.
Bael: A powerful general in the service of Mammon.
Focalor: The cautious seneschal of Mammon.
Caarcrinolaas: A duke of Minauros.
Melchon: A duke of Minauros.  

Archdevils of Phlegethos

Fierna: The official Lord of the Fourth.
Belial: The father of Fierna as well as her predecessor, Belial was in part the power behind the throne of Phlegethos.
Chamo: An archdevil who served Belial as Legate of Abriymoch; his loyalties during Fierna's rule were unknown.
Balan: A duke of Phelgethos who served Belial; he remained loyal to Belial even after the archduke "retired".
Bathym: A duke of Phlegethos who served Belial; he chose to cast his lot in with Fierna after she rose to power.
Gaziel: A duke of Phlegethos who served Belial; he remained loyal to Belial even after the archduke "retired".  

Archdevils of Stygia

Levistus: The Lord of the Fifth was imprisoned in an iceberg by Asmodeus for past crimes. He was therefore forced to telepathically relay instructions to his minions, even as he also had to deal with his predecessor's continued existence.
Geryon: The deposed Lord of the Fifth, Geryon was a savage archdevil who sought to reclaim his former position.
Agares: A vassal and duke under Geryon's reign; he found a new position as a commander under Levistus's rule.
Machalas: The weakest duke who served Geryon; he found a new position as a commander under Levistus's rule.  

Archdevils of Malbolge

Glasya: The daughter of Asmodeus, Glasya was the Lord of the Sixth.
Tartach: Formerly the legate of Moloch, he abandoned Baalzebul to serve Glasya.  

Archdevils of Maladomini

Baalzebul: Also called the Lord of Lies, the Lord of the Seventh was the repulsive fallen angel who was once called Triel.
Baftis: The quiet First Consort of Baalzebul.
Lilith: formerly the consort of Moloch, she later became after Baalzebul's Second Consort.
Neabaz: Called the Herald of Lies, he served as the herald of Baalzebul.
Barbatos: The Marshal of Maladomini.
Abigor: A duke and general of Maladomini.
Zepar: A duke and general of Maladomini.
Bileth: Formerly the tribune of Moloch, he became a general in the service of Baalzebul after returning to Maladomini.  

Archdevils of Cania

Mephistopheles: The Lord of Cania was always plotting against Asmodeus.
Baalphegor: Consort of Mephistopheles and quite possibly the reason why the Lord of the Eighth was not demoted.
Hutijin: A duke of Cania and powerful general who loyally served Mephistopheles.  

Archdevils of Nessus

Asmodeus: The Lord of the Ninth and King of the Hells, Asmodeus was a deity in his own right.
Adramalech: The Chancellor of Hell and Keeper of Records, Adramalech answered only to Asmodeus.
Phongor: The dreaded Inquisitor of Hell.
Rimmon: A duke of Nessus.
Zagum: A duke in the service of Asmodeus.
Royalty, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
His Grace
Alternative Naming
Lords of the Nine
Current Holders
Related Locations


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