Elmar Barthen Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Elmar Barthen

Elmar Barthen was the proprietor of Barthen's Provisions, the largest trading post in Phandalin, in the late 15th century DR.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elmar was aging and slender with a balding head. He was said to be a kind man.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 1488 DR, Barthen and others of the village were constantly harassed by the Redbrands, which made local trade more difficult. He was willing to share information with anybody who wished to sort the Redbrands out.   During this time, a Dwarf explorer and friend of Elmar named Gundren RockSeeker believed he had located the Wave Echo Cave. Elmar was excited by the potential discovery, and Gundren had hired a new group of adventurers to bring his wagon full of equipment from Neverwinter to Phandalin, specifically to Barthen's store. Gundren let the proprietor know that he would meet him at the store before the adventurers, and that Barthen would agree to handover 10 gp each. However, Gundren never arrived.


Contacts & Relations

He employed two local lads, Ander and Thistle.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1444 DR 45 Years old
Current Residence
Ruled Locations


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