Favric was the local group leader of the Cult of the Dragon in Thundertree circa 1488 DR.
Favric dressed in the typical garb of a dragon cultist, wearing a long dark robe and a black leather mask. He could speak Draconic, as well as Common. The young leader was far more ambitious than others of his sect. Favric wore a necklace that was actually a potion of flying attached a band.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Around 1491 DR, Favric led five other members of the cult to Thundertree, where they hoped to parlay with the Green Dragon, Venomfang. The group found a dusty, abandoned home to the southeast of the village. Since then, they tried to determine the needs of the young dragon, so they might broker a deal. Favric had brought three diamonds to appease the beast.
Current Location
Aligned Organization