Goblin Species in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Goblins were a race of small and numerous goblinoids Common throughout Toril, often living in underground caverns near the surface known as lairs. The race was often, though not always, dominated by other goblinoids, most commonly Hobgoblins. Goblins may have, in fact, been initially created by this related race to serve as scouts and infiltrators.

Basic Information


Goblins are a small humanoid species that typically stand between 3 and 4 feet tall, and weigh between 40 and 80 pounds. They have a slender build, with bony frames and lean muscles. Their skin is typically green or gray, and their eyes are usually red or yellow. They have large, pointed ears that sit atop their heads, and sharp, jagged teeth.   Goblins have a bipedal gait and walk upright on two legs. They have two arms with five-fingered hands, each tipped with a sharp claw. Their legs are also tipped with sharp claws, which they use for climbing and digging. Goblins are nimble and quick, with a natural aptitude for stealth and thievery.   In terms of internal anatomy, goblins have a similar structure to humans, with a circulatory, respiratory, and digestive system. However, their organs are proportionally smaller than those of humans, and their skeletal structure is more lightweight and flexible.

Biological Traits

In the case of goblins, their biological traits can vary depending on the specific subrace or tribe. However, in general, goblins tend to have a relatively short lifespan, with an average life expectancy of around 40-60 years. They are typically shorter and lighter than most humanoid species, standing at an average height of 3 feet and weighing around 40-55 pounds.   Goblins are also known for their adaptability and resourcefulness, able to survive in a wide range of environments and climates. They have sharp senses, particularly in low-light conditions, and are skilled at stealth and surprise attacks. Their skin is often green or grayish-brown, and they have prominent noses, sharp teeth, and pointed ears.   In terms of gender, goblins typically do not have significant physical differences between males and females, and both sexes are equally likely to engage in combat or other activities. However, specific cultural or social factors within a given tribe may dictate certain roles or expectations based on gender.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblins bred extremely rapidly compared with many other races, accounting for their large population.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins reach maturity at around 12 years of age and have a lifespan of approximately 60 years. They have a relatively short gestation period of only six months, and litters usually consist of two to six offspring.   At birth, goblin young are relatively underdeveloped and require a period of infancy and adolescence to fully mature. During this period, goblins are cared for by their parents and the larger community. As they grow, goblins are expected to learn the skills necessary for survival in their environment, including hunting, scavenging, and basic tool-making.   Goblins do not undergo any major physical transformations during their growth and development, but they do experience changes in their abilities and social roles. Young goblins start out as helpless infants, but gradually gain independence and become more self-sufficient as they grow. Once they reach adulthood, they are expected to contribute to the community by participating in raids, hunting parties, and other group activities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblins are omnivorous and will eat almost anything they can find. They are scavengers and will eat anything that is not poisonous, rotten or too tough to chew. Their diet includes roots, fruits, fungi, insects, rodents, and small animals. They are also known to scavenge the dead and will even eat their own kind if necessary.


Like other goblinoids, goblins often had a short temper, and were more easily provoked than individuals of most other races. They often found it difficult to overcome this short fuse, and had a sense of greed that made it difficult for them to act altruistically. They also generally took sadistic pleasure in exacting revenge once crossed.  


Young goblins were taught from an early age to rely only on themselves, and that to survive, they needed to be aggressive and ruthless. To a goblin, it didn't seem logical to treat others as well or better than you would treat yourself; rather, they believed in preemptively removing potential rivals before they could become a threat. Expatriated goblins would sometimes try to recreate the circumstances of their culture, preying on the weaknesses of others in non-goblin communities.   Despite their generally poor reputation however, not all goblins were dim-witted or evil. Some goblins have risen to become heroes, gaining enough renown to be accepted into the civilized world of other, more commonly good races. Those goblins seeking this path may have found it difficult to overcome their temper and greed, as well as the cultural influence of their brethren, but those who did often found it could be more rewarding, in the long run at least, to serve good rather than to serve evil. Those that did often made use of their ill-gained talents as rogues or fighters.  


Being bullied by bigger, stronger creatures had taught goblins to exploit what few advantages they had, namely sheer numbers and malicious ingenuity. They favored ambushes, overwhelming odds, dirty tricks, and any other edges they could devise, the concept of a fair fight being meaningless in their society.   Goblins were an elusive and nimble race, which enabled them to slip away from danger more easily than most. In combat, goblins often used this advantage to sneak up on enemies and deal them a blow from hiding and then slip away before they could be retaliated against.   When they had superior numbers in battle, goblins would attempt to flank lone combatants. Retreat or surrender was their general response to being outmatched.   Goblins were often known to fight with military picks, morningstars, short swords, slings, and spears.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblin society was tribal by nature, generally led by the strongest (and sometimes smartest) around, who normally had access to the best weapons. Leaders among the race often came to power through betrayal or aggression rather than by more peaceful means, or as clerics of the goblin gods. Because of the violent nature of goblin culture, it was not uncommon for goblins to come under the domination of individuals from a larger, more physically powerful culture, most typically larger goblinoids such as hobgoblins or bugbears.   Goblins had little concept of privacy, living and sleeping in large communal areas with only the leaders living separately in their own private chambers. As such, goblin lairs were often stinking or soiled, though easily defended when under assault and layered with simple traps for such purposes. The innermost chambers of goblin lairs were usually the most densely-populated and well-defended. Goblin settlements were often filled with young goblin children, partially due to gender roles, though young goblins did not outnumber adults since their lives were often at least as dangerous as their forebears.   The gender roles of goblin society had the dominant males sustain the community through raiding and stealing, sneaking into lairs, villages, and even towns by night to take what they could (and if supplies ran short they were willing to eat sentients, including each other). Goblin females meanwhile were expected to birth as many children as possible to sustain a population constantly driven down by violence. Many goblins who left for a life among other races were females, driven away by the rigidly structured role they were expected to play.

Facial characteristics

They had flat faces, sloped back forehead, broad noses, pointed ears, and small, sharp fangs. and their eyes varied in color from red to yellow.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goblins often inhabitated temperate plains, though many were also known to live in caverns or underground.

Average Intelligence

Goblins are generally considered to be of average intelligence, although they tend to lack formal education and are often illiterate. They rely on their natural cunning and survival instincts to navigate their environment and interact with other creatures. Some goblins may possess specialized knowledge or skills related to their particular tribe or profession, but in general, they are not known for their academic or intellectual pursuits.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goblins in the Forgotten Realms typically have short and simple first names, often only one syllable, and may include sounds that are harsh or guttural. Some examples of male goblin names in the Forgotten Realms include Grub, Snik, Korg, and Zib, while female names may include Riz, Snarl, Glik, and Yuka.   Goblins also tend to use descriptive or occupational surnames, such as "Slayer," "Sneak," or "Stink." They may also use names that reflect their tribe or clan, such as "Blacktooth" or "Redclaw."   Naming traditions and schemes may vary between different goblin tribes or clans. Some may use a naming convention based on birth order, while others may use names that reflect specific achievements or feats. In some cases, goblins may take on new names as they gain status or reputation within their tribe.

Major Organizations


Goblins primarily worshiped members of the Goblinoid pantheon, such as Maglubiyet in particular, who inspired them with his feats of strength and treachery. Following the Spellplague and prior to the Second Sundering, however, the power of the Black Lord Bane grew and extended his power over Maglubiyet, making the goblin god one of his exarchs. Following the Second Sundering, goblins again worshiped deities such as Maglubiyet and Khurgorbaeyag.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals for goblins may differ from culture to culture, but in general, goblins are not known for their physical beauty by humanoid standards. They typically have rough, leathery skin, sharp teeth, and beady eyes. Some goblins may find certain physical features more attractive than others, such as large ears or particularly sharp teeth. However, many goblin societies value intelligence, cunning, and resourcefulness over physical beauty. In some cultures, scars or other signs of battle may be seen as attractive, as they signify strength and bravery.

Gender Ideals

In goblin culture, there is often a clear division of labor between males and females. Males are typically expected to be strong, aggressive, and skilled in combat, as they are often the ones who go out on raids and engage in other violent activities. Females, on the other hand, are often responsible for domestic tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and raising children. In this traditional gender role framework, the ability to bear children is highly valued in females, while physical strength and fighting ability are highly valued in males.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Besides the Ghukliak, some goblins were known to be capable of speaking Orcish or Yipyak.

Common Dress Code

Goblins typically dressed in dark leathers soiled by poor hygiene and colored in a similar range of tones to their skin.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goblins were often considered little more than a nuisance. They did not get along well with most other races and were particularly suspicious of other goblinoids. Goblins had a somewhat ambivalent relationship with orc and half-Orcs, whom they'd work with on occasion, but the only true allies of the goblin race were worgs, who often acted as mounts and fighting companions for goblins.   Goblins had particularly adverse relations with dwarves, gnomes, and Tel-quessir.   Some were known to domesticate huge wolves.
40–60 years
Average Height
3′4″‒3′8″ (1‒1.1 m)
Average Weight
40‒55 lb (18‒25 kg)
Average Physique
Goblins are small and lean, averaging at 3 feet tall and 40-55 pounds. Their skin color varies from green to yellow and brown. They have big heads, sharp teeth, pointed ears, and large expressive eyes that range from red to yellow to black. While not imposing, their agility and dexterity make them formidable in combat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin color ranged from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red, though they also came in shades of green. All members of the same tribe normally shared the same skin color
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