Heartstone Gem

The Heartstone Gem was a powerful artifact kept in the village of Kuldahar.


The origin of the Heartstone Gem was unknown. It resided for a long time in the Druid's shrine in Kuldahar; the druids used its powers of divination to see the surrounding lands and look into the affairs of people throughout the Realms.   A young druid had grown tired of the humble teachings of his mentor the archdruid, and hungered for power of his own. He stole the Heartstone Gem and it eventually ended up in a temple dedicated to the mysterious Forgotten God. The priests of the same deity placed it on an altar deep within their temple, but the part it played in their religion like anything else of their faith, was unknown.   The Heartstone Gem was later stolen by snake-worshiping cultists, apparently tainted ones who were agents of the Marilith Yxunomei. When Yxunomei was defeated by the an adventuring group, the gem was taken to the undead archmage elven Larrel, who used it's powers to the benefit of the adventurers.   The gem was returned to Kuldahar in the early 14th century, where its circle of warmth grew larger.
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