HH: Session 3: Welcome to Dis

General Summary

The Bargain

Fleeing the horrifying fate that had befallen his comrades, Kai found himself transported to Dis, the oppressive and unforgiving second layer of the Nine Hells. There, amidst the choking heat and the towering iron structures, Vilus awaited him. The Devils usual calm demeanor was replaced with a seething anger, his voice sharp as he chastised Kai for the failure in Arabel. Vilus had grand designs for Cormyr, and this setback had thrown a wrench into his carefully laid plans. However, Vilus was not one to dwell on failures for long. He revealed that he had enlisted additional help—a mysterious Elf from the Misty Forest named Fairë. Without further explanation, he commanded Kai to follow him, leading the group down into the depths of Mentiri, the prison of tormented souls.   As they descended the countless staircases, the anguished cries of the damned grew louder, filling the air with a palpable sense of dread. Eventually, they reached the dark cells where Argus and Beppy were held. The sight of his fallen comrades, trapped in the agony of the Nine Hells, was sobering. Vilus, with a tone of cold pragmatism, offered them a second chance at life, commanding them to follow him back up the long, winding stairs.   After what felt like an eternity, they emerged into a startlingly beautiful garden, a stark contrast to the horrors below. Vilus introduced this place as The Garden of Delights, a twisted paradise within the hellish landscape. Inviting the group to sit, he revealed the truth to Argus and Beppy—they had perished, and as their souls drifted towards the afterlife, Vilus had intercepted them. They were bound by Feirah’s contract, their fates entwined with Vilus’s schemes.   He then extended a tempting offer: their greatest desires in exchange for a single, dire task. But before he divulged the details, they were required to sign a contract—an Infernal binding that ensured their silence. Should they ever speak of this to anyone not already in the know, they would be condemned to become Lemures, the lowest form of devil, for eternity. Faced with little choice, each of them signed away their right to speak of the deal.   With their oaths secured, Vilus revealed their mission: they were to assassinate Queen Raedra Obarskyr of Cormyr during her upcoming wedding. The gravity of the task weighed heavily on them, but Vilus’s offers were too enticing to resist. Kai, despite being offered his freedom, chose instead to fully embrace his transformation into a devil. Fairë, revealing his other name as Munta pron, eagerly accepted freedom and signed away his soul. Beppy, with a clearer mind than before, declined the return of her late husband, preferring to leave him in peace, but wished to have her mind and body restored to its former, healthy state. Argus hesitated, wary of indebting himself further to the Satyr, but in the end, he succumbed to the temptation of having his mind and body restored to the man he was before the wars had ravaged him.   With their souls now bound to Vilus, the group was granted access to all the earthly pleasures the Garden of Delights had to offer. Yet, their respite was brief. Vilus gave them one final task before they could return to the mortal realm: they were to eliminate a troublesome devil who had been causing him issues. With a stern reminder of their deadline, he provided them with directions and departed but not before saying to No more screw ups to Kai, leaving them to their grim work.   After some discussion, the band resolved to confront the devil directly. Upon arriving at the designated location, Fairë sent his familiar, a cunning cat, to scout ahead. The cat’s keen eyes revealed several devils inside the lair. With grim determination, the group stormed the dwelling, unleashing their fury upon the devils within. The battle was swift and brutal, with each devil falling to their wrath. Once they were certain that all their foes had been slain, they returned to the Garden of Delights.   In the garden’s eerie tranquility, they awaited Vilus’s return. When he arrived, he expressed his satisfaction with their work and promised that they would soon be reunited with Feirah and Elphariel. As a final gesture, Vilus conjured a flaming portal, its fiery tendrils licking the edges of reality, and beckoned them to step through.  
Thus, the infernal pact was sealed. The band, now bound by fate and fiendish contract, had crossed the threshold from life into death and back again. The road ahead was darker than any they had walked before, leading not just through the shadows of Cormyr but into the heart of hell itself. Their mission would challenge not only their skills but their very souls, as they ventured further into the depths of damnation, where the lines between loyalty, ambition, and corruption blur beyond recognition.
Hellish Harmonies
Munta pron
Report Date
30 Jul 2024
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