HH: Session 6: Objective; Survive

General Summary

The Arcane Forge erupted into chaos as Elphariel’s blow landed on Tomas, triggering the ancient workshop's defensive mechanisms. The once dormant mechanical dragons sprang to life, their eyes glowing with a malevolent red light as they unleashed torrents of flame upon the intruders. Fairë, who had just returned to his senses after being Raxë, found himself in the midst of a battle that was as fierce as it was unexpected.   As the band struggled to subdue Tomas, they quickly realized that each strike against him seemed to leave barely a Mark. Their confusion deepened until they noticed the Shield Guardian, a massive construct that had crashed through the Forge’s doors, was absorbing much of the damage intended for Tomas. The party redirected their attacks, focusing on the Guardian with relentless determination. The battle raged on, the heat from the dragon's fire mixing with the sweat and grime of combat, until finally, the Guardian fell with a resounding crash. With its protector gone, Tomas was swiftly knocked unconscious.   As the dust settled, the band took a moment to search the workshop. They discovered various magical items, tempting to some but ominous to others. While Elphariel and Feirah chose to abstain, wary of the dark powers at play, Kai and Argus eagerly claimed their prizes. Their immediate task was clear: they needed to transport the unconscious Tomas to Gladehap, but with a day still to spare, they decided to hide him inside a barrel for the journey.   As they made their way back through Suzail, Elphariel caught the familiar scent of ash and sulfur, accompanied by faint, sinister whispers. She followed the trail into a shadowed alley, where Vilus awaited her. Feirah, suspicious of her grandmother’s secretive behavior, trailed behind, careful to remain unseen.   In the shadows, Vilus presented Elphariel with a grim proposition: her soul in exchange for Feirah’s safety. He warned her of the perils that lay ahead, suggesting that her time was limited and that the future would hold even greater dangers for their group. Despite Feirah’s silent protests, Elphariel, driven by a fierce protective instinct, accepted Vilus's offer, sealing her fate with a handshake. Feirah, heartbroken and furious, stormed off, throwing away the magical gloves Kai had slipped into her pocket, only to retrieve them later in a fit of frustration.   Back at The Osculatory, the band prepared for their performance. Despite the tension and the unease that lingered between them, they managed to put on a show that captivated the audience, including Oriphaun Huntsilver. But as the morning came, the atmosphere among the group remained strained, with Elphariel and Feirah barely speaking.   Their journey to Gladehap was fraught with tension. As they traveled, a sudden rustling in the nearby bushes revealed Kenji, Feirah’s sensei. The old Kozakuran man was shocked to see her with such a motley group and claimed that the spirits had told him of a man being kidnapped, whom he needed to save. Feirah nearly confessed the truth, but Kai, thinking quickly, created a distraction, allowing the group to escape further scrutiny.   Upon their arrival in Gladehap, they presented Tomas to Hazirawn, who expressed his satisfaction and informed them that they would be performing that night for him and his crew. The band, putting aside their internal conflicts, delivered their best performance yet. As they relaxed at the bar afterward, the now familiar scent of ash and sulfur filled the air, and Vilus appeared once more.   This time, he asked to speak with Elphariel alone. With a wave of his hand, they were transported to Dis, the second layer of Hell. There, Vilus revealed the final term of their contract: the band was tasked with assassinating the Queen of Cormyr, Raedra Obarskyr, and Elphariel would have to deliver the killing blow. He handed her a note with the phrase she was to utter: "In the name of The Crimson Veil, we usher in a new reign of magic." This act, she realized, would frame all spellcasters in Cormyr for the Queen’s murder, leading to their persecution.   Vilus assured her that Feirah would be spared any harm if she fulfilled this heinous task. Despite the horror of what was being asked of her, Elphariel, bound by her earlier deal, reluctantly agreed.   When she returned, the others immediately sensed that something was amiss. Feirah, still fuming from their earlier encounter, demanded answers, but Elphariel remained evasive. Kai, suspicious of the tension and secrecy, discreetly cast Detect Thoughts on Elphariel, uncovering the dark truth of their new mission.  
The band's pursuit of fame had twisted into a dark path, with trust eroding and shadows looming over their choices. Now, as they face an ominous destiny, the question remains: will they defy their fate or be consumed by the very darkness they've embraced? The true cost of failure yet to be revealed.
Hellish Harmonies
Munta pron
Report Date
19 Aug 2024
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